Oct 03, 2009 20:10
The other day, Im talking to the 'rents on the phone and my daddy says something along the lines of "There's a preview for a movie that's been on tv a lot, that made me think of you. I just know you're gonna see this one--Zombieland". I replied with much giddyness and squealing. I'd only seen the trailer for this once, but it got me pretty pumped. And I dont think I was the only one
I went to the 2:15 show this afternoon, and the big auditorium was the most packed I'd ever seen for an afternoon matinee. It wasnt at capacity or anything, but it was pretty full. Usually only kiddie movies or movies that attract people trying to catch the early bird special before their 8 PM bedtimes are the only ones that get a matinee show decently full.
So was the hype and anticpation worth it? A resounding YES! I think we've definitely got a contender to make it to at least honorable mention on my top movie roundup at the end of the year. Of course it wasnt perfect, but it was fun and everything else it set out to be.
I was slightly concerned going in since, to be honest, I didnt find Shaun of the Dead that funny. Dont hit me. But British comedy (with the exception of Eddie Izzard) tends to be lost on me. I figured my dislike of that movie had more to do with the Brit-ness than the zombie-ness, but it still left me apprehensive. And according to IMDB trivia, the director Ruben Fleischer was inspired by Shaun.
Anyways, I thought it was hi-\m/-larious. Very quotable, with lots of gratuitous f-bombs thrown in, which made me incredibly happy for some reason. The visual humor, which Im not typically fond of, was very well done as well. It was quirky and original and a total blast.
And it definitely passed my opening sequence test. Ya'll know how much I love a good opening sequence. It introduced the zombie fighting rules, which were seen throughout the movie. Such a simple detail, that added oh so very much. Possibly my favorite element of the whole thing.
The weak point was that it was a mite bit predictable, but eventually that actually kinda became a good thing. You'd know what was gonna happen, so it'd be exciting to see exactly how they went about whatever it was.
Fantastic cast as well. Hell, when you've only got a handful of actors, you'd best make sure they're a damn good bunch. Woody Harrelson makes the perfect crazy redneck bad ass. We've seen elements of these different things in his previous roles, so it was cool seeing them all together. Jesse Eisenberg was a loveable and awkward dork, and I aim to be as cool as Emma Stone's character. And I just love the fact that Abigail Breslin was in this movie. She was also quite impressive. I also wanna mention that there's a pretty epic celeb cameo. I wont go into spoiler-ish details, but definitely earns bonus points.
Sooo yeah, go see Zombieland!