Feb 05, 2004 17:36
I have that fuzzled discombobulated feeling, unfortunatley still brought with a twinge of saddness...but for once with a hope, that things will work out the way they are supposed to. I went to Chris's house and talked to him today about being friends, i think that with time it may work out. To have someone in your life, that has known you at your best and worst...someone that can see through you and read you like a book, somtimes isnt such a bad thing. My life would be happier with him in it, despite all the pain that exists in our past.
I am happy with the direction that my life is heading, Brandon and I seem to be doing fine...im sure that there are still some random little issues floating around but hopefully they will get cleared up soon. I am interested to see where it all will go, I think that it has potential and I couldnt ask for more.
I am making some new friends and hanging out with an assortment of people. I went to visit my old friend Mike yesterday (having a car is a beautiful thing) and tomorrow im spending the night at Sammi's house. Adam and I have been talking alot more lately which i love, the drives to and from school are one of my favorite parts of the day. A bunch of people have started talking to me again and I don't think that I have any enemies anymore lol.
Stephie is comming back on saturday and we're having a massive dinner gathering...anyone who wants to see steph before she leaves again for good is more than welcome to come with. Just give me a call or something and I'll give you the details.
I love having my lisence, it gives me so much freedom. We get report cards tomorrow and im going to be grounded on school nights cuz im getting 2 C's...but that may not be an entirely bad thing, it will give me a reason to stay home and get my work done. My tattoo is peeling...sexiness, im going to go get it touched up in another week or so when it heals more and im going to take my friend Jon to get his fixed as well.
yay look for once a real update lol, right now im waiting for brandon to call me and tell me if hes takin his test or not. Then depending on whats going on I may go over there, or he may come here.
im off to see the wizard