Here are the themes for round#10! You have until the 23th of January. And sign-ups are still open
• Icons must be new and made by you for this round.
• Icon entries must fit lj standards (100x100 pixels in either jpg, gif, or png format and must be under 40 kb, animations are allowed).
• No pornography, graphic sex, no graphic violence, nor anything racist or insulting.
• To submit your entry, make a new post in this community. It will be moderated and accepted for everyone to see.
• When submitting your entry, post 3 teaser icons (maximum) and put the rest behind a cut/fake-cut.
• Icons should be posted public at least until voting is closed.
• Subject for posting must be: Round #: Your claim.
• Try to leave feedback for every entries, everyone loves feedbacks! ;)
• Closure of round #10 : 23th of january.
• Sign-ups will remain open until 10th of january.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)
All informations
HERE. Sign-ups are open until 10th of January. So if you want to participate, don't hesitate to sign-up there!
10 themes:
These themes are up to your interpretation & imagination but if you have any question, ask! :)
- Black & White
- Blend
- Body part
- Quote: It doesn't have to be text only, you can include a picture.
- Flashback
- Anger
- Crossover: Your claim with another vampire film/character/quote...
- Pink
- Plus one
- Texture: The texture you use must be visible on your icon.
5 Category:
Negative space
5 negative space icons. It means the subject on your icon must take 50% or less than 50% on your icon.
sallyna_smile //
winterlillies //
fiery_twilight 5 Artist's choice
Free icons, you choose!
Tables: (copy and paste in your entry)
Black & White |
Blend |
Body part |
Quote |
Flashback |
Anger |
Crossover |
Pink |
Plus one |
Texture |
Negative space ARTIST'S CHOICE Have fun! And if you have any question, feel free! :)