101 In 1001

Dec 31, 2010 01:00

I've decided that this list doesn't reflect my life any longer. There are so many things that are related to WVU and whatnot, and there's really no way that I can do many of these things anymore. I'll still keep this post around and I might make a new list eventually, but for now I'm not going to worry about it.

This idea comes from the community mission101. Basically, you make a list of 101 goals/tasks to be completed in 1001 days (which is about 2 years and 9 months, give or take a couple days). The goals must be specific and realistic. Since I already had this much shorter list of goals, I figured that a more extensive one would also be good.

I'm determined that 2010 (and all the years after, for that matter) will be a good year. 2008 and 2009 have sucked. 2010 will be an excellent time to reform myself and get a new start on everything.

Starting Date: Friday, 1 January 2010
Finishing Date: Friday, 28 September 2012
Last Updated:: Saturday, 3 July 2010

1. Read Bible/devotion every day.
2. Pray every day.
3. Practice Flute every day no matter what, at least three or four hours per day whenever possible.
4. Take a multi-vitamin every day.
5. Listen to one song that I've never listened to before every day.
6. Faithfully practice good dental hygiene.
7. See a psychiatrist, determine if I need anti-depression medicine, and take it daily if I do.

8. Practice violin at least five days per week, half hour to an hour.
9. Update my Livejournal at least 3 times per week.
10. Eat out no more than twice per week.
11. Use MS Excel to keep track of the total time that I practice each week.
12. Take one day a month that is complete me time - no work, school, or doing things for others - a day just for myself.
13. Buy something for myself once per month.
14. Do adayinmylife once every two months.

List Maintenance:
15. Actually come up with 101 goals to complete by 9/28/12.
16. Print off this completed list and carry it with me so I don't forget about it.
17. Actually keep up with this list.
18. Photograph myself doing the things on this list.
19. Switch out no more than 5 of the goals on this list for another goal.
20. Finish this list to the very best of my ability.
21. After the time allotted for this list ends on 9/28/12, make another list of 101 things to do in 1001 days to start on 1/1/13.

22. Lead someone to Christ.
23. Make a charitable contribution.
24. Thank God for a different thing that he did for me every day.
25. Do something good for someone and don't let them know that I was the one who did it for them.
26. Pray for people that I have some sort of disagreement/misunderstanding/general trouble with.

27. Get the family together.
28. Make going on a certified family vacation possible.
29. Start chronicling my family tree.
30. Reconnect with three friends I've lost touch with.
31. Visit my relatives in Virginia.
32. Meet an online friend in real life.

33. Be in a relationship.
34. Get a job.
35. Find a way to get a new flute.
36. Truly come to terms with my grandfather's death.
37. Truly come to terms with my friend's death.
38. Find or replace my class ring.
39. Start taking birth control for medicinal reasons.
40. Go out on a weekend while at school.
41. Join the Musician's Union.
42. Join the American String Teacher's Association.
43. Tell someone one of my personal secrets.

44. Graduate with a Bachelor of Music degree from WVU.
45. Get into an excellent graduate school.
46. Extensively research all of the pieces that I work on.
47. Get an A in Flute Studio from now on.
48. Be in the marching band.
49. Attend a WVU football game.
50. Enter 5 flute competitions. [0/5]
51. Learn a ridiculously hard violin piece.
52. Begin each assignment, no matter how small a start, on the day that it is assigned.
53. Be a member of the WVU Symphony Orchestra.
54. Play a jazz piece.

55. Get below 200 lbs.
56. Stick with Weight Watcher's online until I reach my goal.
57. Try relaxing my hair.
58. Do something about my arthritis.

59. Pay off my credit card and don't keep a balance.
60. Save all of my spare change during the 1001 days, don't count it until the 1001 days are up, and do something for myself and someone else with it.
61. Manually keep track of my checking account, either in a checkbook or on MS Excel.

62. Read 10 truly amazing books. [1/10] (1. Wicked by Gregory Maguire)
63. Finish Pride and Prejudice.
64. Read 10 Christian/Inspirational books. [0/10]

65. Completely clean my house and organize it.
66. Clean out my dressers.
67. Clean out my closet.

68. Finish another disney100 challenge.
69. Finish another icons100 challenge.
70. Be active in hogwartsishome again.
71. Do the 30 day meme.
72. Complete the 5000 question survey.
73. Submit an entry to a contest on Worth1000.com.
74. Submit an entry to National Geographic's "Your Shot".
75. Start a new icontest.

76. Make a list of 30 things to do before I'm 30.
77. Make a complete floor plan of the CAC.
78. Learn to tie a tie.
79. Build a snow man.
80. Build an igloo.
81. Make a snow angel.
82. Make a blanket.
83. Host an amazing Christmas party.
84. Start buying Christmas gifts in September.
85. Start learning a new language.
86. Learn a few chords on the guitar.
87. Draw a portrait of someone I love.
88. Participate in an extreme sport.
89. Write a story/fanfic.
90. Have Katie read tarot cards for me again.
91. Win a game of chess - physical or virtual.
92. Grow a plant from seed.
93. Travel somewhere that's not school.
94. Donate blood.
95. Ride a roller-coaster and not worry about the seat.
96. Make a piece of clothing and wear it out somewhere.
97. Go camping.
98. Ride a passenger train.
99. Eat dinner at the finest restaurant in the greater Charleston area.
100. Find a new band that I love.
101. Screencap The Red Violin and post them everywhere.

mission101, goals, 101 in 1001

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