Title: Forbidden
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: PG-13
Length: Part 10/? (It's a LONG short story)
Summary: Jae is concerned about the attention his sister is receiving from a dangerous man but he isn't in any position to take care of it himself so he turns to the king. However, the King, Jung Yunho, presents
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Dude, am I glad I found you. Seriously! You are a freaking amazing writter. I've only read this story so far, I started tonight & finished tonight, but you're amazing, really. ♡
Now.. I'm so sad for Jae that his sister died & I'm happy that the disgusting Minister Lee is finally dead. But I was getting so worried lol I read your description of the movie a few chapters back & had a friggin fangirl freakout b/c I thought you'd be writing the story the same way. & it seemed like Jaejoong didn't love Yunho so I was going to comment about it, BUT he realized it in this chapter & I'm so happy~!! :o) This story is one of the best stories, fanfiction, YunJae, or novel, I've ever read, & I hope it has a happy ending!! Poor YunJae deserve it!!
& sorry, I guess, to your usual first spotters, but I'm a new reader & they're gona have to battle with me now!!...... *evil vilain laugh*
Yeah, well in a honesty... I was reading & saw that you posted Part 10 up & that it had no comments yet so.... yeah. I snatched it! Me <<<< Forgiven? No? Yes? :o)
Write on!! ☆
kekeke xP
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