I find my demons were my friends getting me in the end..

May 11, 2009 02:12

I clearly have too much faith in people. I am constantly disappointed in humanity.. betrayed by those I trusted the most..

what's that saying again.. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. ...I guess it's "shame on me" this time.

I really wish people just wouldn't say "i'm sorry" unless they really mean it. It's deceitful, not to mention insulting to say "i'm so sorry." "i never meant to hurt you" "i hate that I was apart of something that jeopardized our relationship" and then turn around and FUCKING DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which they BOTH did! UUUUUUUUURGH!

Last time.. I was so devastated. Hurt and heartbroken beyond belief. ...this time.. I have overwhelming anger to add to the mix. I want to hide and cry.. but scream and kill things at the same time.

I just never expected this from her.. of all people. And had thought they both were genuinely sry. That they actually cared about me. But clearly I was wrong. And apparently they think I'm stupid as well.. like I wouldn't find out! Sneaking around right under my nose like I had no idea what was going on.. I'm not a fucking idiot! ...just a fool who actually had faith in humanity. trust in friends and FAMILY.. clearly HOPE is a foolish notion.
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