Oct 21, 2006 09:56
"It" being me. Remember me? Quiet girl, keeps to herself a lot? Yeah, I'm alive. I've been lurking around lately, reading wonderful SGA fics and watching old episodes of Farscape, which is a great show by the way, with a wonderful cast of characters. I kinda wish I'd watched it while it was still up and running, but wishing is all too little, too late. I've also been watching the new season of Supernatural. (Oh Dean, how I've missed you. And your car. And maybe even your sometimes annoying little brother who seems a bit less annoying this season.)
There's one big thing that happened to me this past summer. (Yes, it has been that long since I've updated my journal.) It's the only thing worth mentioning and that is: I saw Ani DiFranco perform live. A once in a lifetime experience, let me tell you. It's been months and I still can't believe that she actually came to my hometown to perform at a festival and that I was there.
Anyway, I hope you're all well and that atleast a couple of you are able to vaguely recall who I am. Also, as a side note/request, if you're an SGA fan and have any fics you'd like to rec, please do so. I'm partial to the McKay/Sheppard pairing but I'm also open to most other pairings as well as gen. Oh! I'm also looking for lengthy, gen Supernatural fics, if you have any recs in that department. Nothing too deep, nothing too fluffy. Basically, I'm looking for fics heavy with plot that I can read and say, "Hey, that would make a really great episode."