Insane fangirl is insane, yes.
I did two fannish things in honor of Kenji's birthday, the first, is a vid: a tribute to Zanki (clips are from Hibiki and Decade), which I'm very, very proud of.
Click to view
The other, is a fic:
Cherish . It's Jiro/Yuri of course, and like the vid, I'm very happy with it as well.
I figure...the best way to show my love and appreciation of this man is to do what I love regarding him: write and vid. ^_^
Again, a very Happy Birthday to my beloved Matsuda-san. He keeps on getting better with age (so someone hit him over the head and make him realize that he's NOT 18 and 38 is nothing to be ashamed of =_=)
Edit: ...YeahHIprettypassedoutZan...didn't realize that's what would show up when I got that posted...