Mmmm.... Coffee is thy friend.

Feb 16, 2007 08:17

I'm already on my 3rd cup of coffee. Been sitting here reading fic since about 10pm last night which means I didn't have to work. Kinda really sad and pathetic that I've only worked ONE FUCKIN' DAY this week. I'm not mad about this... no. (If you can't tell, that there is sarcasm, just thought I might need tags for thaliondragon.) ;)

So, I slept until 9:45. Actually got 7 hours for once! Thank fuck. Felt very nice and rested. The funny thing is that I went to sleep about 2pm (was up for 27 hours) and when I woke up at 9:45 I was all, 'my alarm should have woke me an hour and 15 minutes ago.' So I checked my cell's call history and work had called me at 3:30. I vaguely had a recollection of this possibly happening and the fact that I had obviously turned my alarm off on my phone, which means pressing many buttons, told me that I had been called off from work, even if I don't really remember the conversation.

Anyways, at 11 when ER was done (which I was recording along with SPN and SV) I rewound the tape for SPN and watched it. This is the conversation I had with brandiewine while I watched it. Too funny. Contains spoilers for Tall Tales.

Vpl13 (11:07:03 PM): SPN time!!!!
Vpl13 (11:07:06 PM): YAYAYAYAY!!!!
DrBriaPHD (11:05:36 PM): :P
Vpl13 (11:07:47 PM): :D
Vpl13 (11:07:54 PM): It's another prank ep, isn't it?
DrBriaPHD (11:06:49 PM): You dont wanna know anything. Though the summary before the show starts was fucking awesome
Vpl13 (11:08:57 PM): That's what I was talking about
DrBriaPHD (11:07:40 PM): I laughed so damn hard through out this episode,
DrBriaPHD (11:08:03 PM): and there were a few times when i was like "I hate Stephanie" cause yeah you know why
Vpl13 (11:10:15 PM): YAY FOR WINCEST!!!!
DrBriaPHD (11:08:37 PM): asss
Vpl13 (11:11:14 PM): Old Skanky Man!
DrBriaPHD (11:09:37 PM): who?
Vpl13 (11:11:45 PM): opening scene, there's an old skanky man
DrBriaPHD (11:10:18 PM): the professor?
Vpl13 (11:12:20 PM): yeah
DrBriaPHD (11:10:41 PM): yeah. Bastard
Vpl13 (11:13:20 PM): Dude, the noises Dean was making!
DrBriaPHD (11:11:49 PM): that would be the first time I thought I hate Stephanie
Vpl13 (11:13:55 PM): lmao
DrBriaPHD (11:12:29 PM): laugh it up
Vpl13 (11:17:44 PM): "She's got a sister"
Vpl13 (11:17:50 PM): First thought, mutual incest
DrBriaPHD (11:16:16 PM): Why does that not surprise me
DrBriaPHD (11:16:18 PM): hehe
Vpl13 (11:19:09 PM): lmao. More WINCEST!!!
Vpl13 (11:19:14 PM): "Dean! What do you think you're doing?"
DrBriaPHD (11:17:36 PM): LOL
DrBriaPHD (11:17:39 PM): Second time
DrBriaPHD (11:17:46 PM): I thought I hate Steph
Vpl13 (11:19:47 PM): bickering like an old married couple!
DrBriaPHD (11:18:05 PM): lol
Vpl13 (11:19:54 PM): married couples can get divorced!
Vpl13 (11:19:57 PM): SO MUCH WINCEST!!!!
DrBriaPHD (11:18:20 PM): FUCKING KNOW
Vpl13 (11:20:58 PM): Dean'll eat anything, won't he?
DrBriaPHD (11:19:21 PM): *shaking head*
DrBriaPHD (11:19:37 PM): This would have been so entertaining to watch at the same time
Vpl13 (11:21:34 PM): it would have
Vpl13 (11:21:41 PM): *g* at 669
DrBriaPHD (11:20:00 PM): lol
DrBriaPHD (11:20:02 PM): oh brother
DrBriaPHD (11:20:06 PM): ly love
Vpl13 (11:22:35 PM): EXACTLY!
DrBriaPHD (11:20:52 PM): :)
DrBriaPHD (11:20:59 PM): So easy you are
Vpl13 (11:22:50 PM): I got you liking WIncest!
DrBriaPHD (11:21:15 PM): no you just have me knowing where it should be
Vpl13 (11:23:08 PM): *g*
DrBriaPHD (11:21:22 PM): big difference
Vpl13 (11:23:13 PM): ait!
Vpl13 (11:23:16 PM): you wait!
DrBriaPHD (11:21:55 PM): Not.....gonna.....happen
DrBriaPHD (11:21:57 PM): EVER
Vpl13 (11:24:01 PM): Dude, Alien abduction!?!??!
DrBriaPHD (11:22:29 PM): LOL gotta love it
Vpl13 (11:24:29 PM): Only on SPN. :P
DrBriaPHD (11:23:07 PM): You cannot use that face anymore
DrBriaPHD (11:23:12 PM): you ruined it (This was about an earlier part of our conversation where I said the smiley with his tongue sticking out looked like he was trying to lick pussy)
Vpl13 (11:25:00 PM): lmao
Vpl13 (11:25:01 PM): :P
Vpl13 (11:25:04 PM): :P :P :P
DrBriaPHD (11:23:22 PM): you're an ass
Vpl13 (11:25:33 PM): *g* purple nurple
DrBriaPHD (11:23:56 PM): lol
DrBriaPHD (11:23:57 PM): awesome
Vpl13 (11:26:33 PM): *g* probing
Vpl13 (11:26:35 PM): WINCEST!
DrBriaPHD (11:25:00 PM): yes babe I know
Vpl13 (11:26:48 PM): Dean looking at Sam...
DrBriaPHD (11:25:06 PM): I know
Vpl13 (11:27:11 PM): And then their mutual look
Vpl13 (11:27:15 PM): after the alien bitch comment
Vpl13 (11:27:19 PM): so much WIncest!
DrBriaPHD (11:25:39 PM): I KNOW
Vpl13 (11:27:40 PM): WTF? Dancing with an alien?
DrBriaPHD (11:25:57 PM): Like I said, I thought quite a few times, I hate steph
DrBriaPHD (11:25:58 PM): heheh
DrBriaPHD (11:26:04 PM): I loved that part
Vpl13 (11:28:18 PM): Kripke is soooo doing it for the fangirls!
DrBriaPHD (11:26:58 PM): doing.....
Vpl13 (11:29:36 PM): lmao at Dean's interpretation of Sammy
DrBriaPHD (11:27:56 PM): I know
Vpl13 (11:29:47 PM): putting in the implied Wincest
DrBriaPHD (11:28:02 PM): I was rolling
DrBriaPHD (11:28:36 PM): Yeah, what better way to reel in fans with hot brothers sleeping together.
DrBriaPHD (11:28:41 PM): *rolls eyes*
Vpl13 (11:30:33 PM): it's working!
DrBriaPHD (11:29:07 PM): only for some
Vpl13 (11:31:15 PM): *g* fighting like a married couple
DrBriaPHD (11:29:51 PM): I knew you would have a field day with this one
Vpl13 (11:32:18 PM): and I am!
Vpl13 (11:36:21 PM): OH NO!
Vpl13 (11:36:25 PM): Impala's tires!
DrBriaPHD (11:34:48 PM): its okay baby
DrBriaPHD (11:35:03 PM): like Damn Dean
Vpl13 (11:37:21 PM): Wincest time!
Vpl13 (11:37:24 PM): Wrestling on a bed!
DrBriaPHD (11:35:46 PM): lol
Vpl13 (11:40:14 PM): *g* at Janitor guy and the red silk boxers
DrBriaPHD (11:38:37 PM): lol
DrBriaPHD (11:38:47 PM): you're a damn trip
Vpl13 (11:40:59 PM): :D
Vpl13 (11:41:14 PM): You're reliving the ep, if not rewatching it
DrBriaPHD (11:39:42 PM): yes yes I am
Vpl13 (11:42:38 PM): Dean read the Weekly World News. *snorts*
DrBriaPHD (11:41:06 PM): That is the funniest damn paper
DrBriaPHD (11:41:10 PM): it cracks me up
Vpl13 (11:43:28 PM): yeah
Vpl13 (11:44:42 PM): BARRY WHITE?!??!!? LMAO!
Vpl13 (11:45:00 PM): REVOLVING BED!!!!! (Yes, I know, the bed didn't revolve, but it looked like that kind of bed and it made me giggle.)
Vpl13 (11:45:01 PM): LMAO!
DrBriaPHD (11:44:03 PM): having fun?
Vpl13 (11:46:51 PM): yes
Vpl13 (11:47:00 PM): Dean's turnign the chicks down for Sammy (in my head at least)
DrBriaPHD (11:45:42 PM): of course he is
Vpl13 (11:47:58 PM): Stakes! Reminds me of Buffy. *happy sighs*
Vpl13 (11:48:24 PM): Dean's getting his ass beat by hot chicks in lingerie!
DrBriaPHD (11:47:05 PM): So I shot some Southern Comfort for the hell of it, which FYI when you havent really eaten can be funny
Vpl13 (11:49:24 PM): lmao
DrBriaPHD (11:48:02 PM): Yeah you'd think I'd learn
DrBriaPHD (11:48:15 PM): Sad thing is I wanna go get another shot
Vpl13 (11:50:06 PM): MARCH 15TH!?!?!?!?!?
DrBriaPHD (11:48:32 PM): I KNOW
DrBriaPHD (11:48:38 PM): I was not happy
Vpl13 (11:50:44 PM): AWwww... they're making up....
DrBriaPHD (11:49:16 PM): you're so predictable
Vpl13 (11:52:14 PM): Now I really wanna see the playboy spread of Tricia Helfer.
DrBriaPHD (11:50:37 PM): go find it
DrBriaPHD (11:50:43 PM): dave has it saved
DrBriaPHD (11:52:23 PM): im feeling one shot
DrBriaPHD (11:52:27 PM): Im so losing my touch
Vpl13 (11:55:22 PM): lol. you are
Vpl13 (11:55:42 PM): I'm tempted to rewatch the episode already. You know, for all the implied Wincest

And for your information, I did not rewatch it, I went and read J2 and Wincest fanfic instead. :D

And now, still on my 3rd cup of coffee and kinda needing to really go pee and possibly get up and shower to get ready to go to school for my one class (well, lab) today, I bid you morning and appologizing for not reading my flist. But I still love you all! Really! I do! *BIG KISSES*

Hmm... I'm thinking it's time to change icons again, what do you think?

buffy, icons, school, supernatural, wincest, work, im convo

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