Good Evening... err... Morning. *g*

Dec 28, 2006 06:52

Having a good evening at morning time. Was in a good mood before omnipredation IMed me and was in that same good mood, if not better, after our convesation. Much amusement, felt the need to post it.

Omnipredation (6:21:47 AM): speaking of dvds, i just watched mr holland's opus.
Vpl13 (6:22:02 AM): I absolutely adore that movie!
Omnipredation (6:22:09 AM): *dries eyes and sniffles and grins*
Omnipredation (6:22:15 AM): it's pretty incredible.
Vpl13 (6:22:42 AM): It is, and the only reason I know it is because it was the movie on a plane to California the year it came out (1996?).
Omnipredation (6:23:07 AM): my first year in choir here in the states, we sang the theme from it, so i went and watched it. i think it came out in '95.
Vpl13 (6:23:53 AM): I was 10 or 11 on that trip, so it was either '95 or '96. Close enough. I'm usually pretty good with getting years right on movies, at least movies past 1982.
Omnipredation (6:24:18 AM): yeah, there's usually a lot of memory tangled up with them. we'll say it was ninetyfix.
Omnipredation (6:24:20 AM): there.
Vpl13 (6:25:14 AM): '95 according to imdb. Maybe it came out in '95 and was on the plane in '96, cause it was early '96 when I saw it.
Omnipredation (6:25:54 AM): that'd make sense. i was guessing '95 because the film ends with a high school in the year 1995 in film-land, so that all seems to work out.
Omnipredation (6:26:04 AM): anyway, now that i'm all inspired and feel squishy-hearted, i have to get to bed.
Omnipredation (6:26:17 AM): good luck getting through all your new goodies'n boxed sets ;-)
Vpl13 (6:26:22 AM): I'll be there probably this afternoon, been awake since 6ish last night.
Vpl13 (6:26:41 AM): Thanks. I've barely started, getting too wrapped up in wonderful writing of fanfic.
Omnipredation (6:26:50 AM): oh my. more wincest?
Vpl13 (6:26:54 AM): of course.
Vpl13 (6:26:59 AM): my new OTP at the moment
Vpl13 (6:27:09 AM): But B/A will always be my biggest. :-)
Omnipredation (6:27:32 AM): i was about to say "you can have more than one OTP" but you just said "newest" ... so i guess you can rank MOTPs. Multiple One True Pairingses. (precious)
Vpl13 (6:28:21 AM): yeah. OTP for me is by series. So OTP of SPN is Wincest. Buffy/Angel OTP is B/A. Dawson's Creek OTP is Pacey/Joey.
Omnipredation (6:28:35 AM): i think it's episode 16 or 17, "Hell House" where they play pranks on each other... it's so slashy
Vpl13 (6:28:44 AM): I KNOW!!!
Vpl13 (6:28:53 AM): I love that ep for that reason alone.
Omnipredation (6:28:58 AM): i laughed my ass off.
Omnipredation (6:29:10 AM): sometimes i really just want to hit Sam though.
Vpl13 (6:29:16 AM): why?
Omnipredation (6:29:25 AM): for picking on dean's music tastes.
Vpl13 (6:29:43 AM): True. Makes me wonder what Sam's tastes are, we never really get to find out.
Omnipredation (6:29:59 AM): mhm. maybe he prefers classical music, or silence, or the sound of tires on the highway.
Vpl13 (6:30:22 AM): And here I was hoping he's really an emo!boy and likes Dashboard and stuff like that.
Omnipredation (6:30:29 AM): ROFL
Omnipredation (6:30:33 AM): well he does have emo hair.
Omnipredation (6:30:40 AM): yanno, i wouldn't doubt it.
Vpl13 (6:30:42 AM): I know! Right! It'd all fit!
Vpl13 (6:31:01 AM): Maybe one ep he'll take control of the radio and find an alt/rock station.
Omnipredation (6:31:03 AM): alone. in the dark. with damien rice and a razor blade, crying to himself, "how come i'm never on top and goddammit i'm tired of wearing long sleeves"
Vpl13 (6:31:10 AM): LMAO!!!
Vpl13 (6:31:29 AM): Too perfect. I can sooo picture teen!Sam doing that.
Omnipredation (6:31:33 AM): *snrk*
Omnipredation (6:31:50 AM): well he always does wear long sleeves. i really can't remember ever seeing sam in a tee shirt. dean wears tee shirts. sam does layers.
Vpl13 (6:32:18 AM): Hmm... *tries to think, only sees naked chests* Sorry, I'm no help there. *g*
Omnipredation (6:32:23 AM): oadsijfal;ksdj
Omnipredation (6:32:24 AM): XD
Vpl13 (6:33:11 AM): You're caught on that image now, aren't you?
Vpl13 (6:33:31 AM): How slashy it is, the both of 'em topless. Nothin' but muscle
Omnipredation (6:33:37 AM): *offs sam and takes dean away for a supernatural "consultation"*
Omnipredation (6:33:42 AM): i'd be bi for him.
Vpl13 (6:33:51 AM): HA! So would I!
Omnipredation (6:34:00 AM): *LAUGHS*
Omnipredation (6:34:06 AM): oh jensen.
Omnipredation (6:34:11 AM): ...oh jeez.
Vpl13 (6:34:13 AM): I've loved him since Dark Angel
Omnipredation (6:34:16 AM): *can't stop laughing*
Omnipredation (6:34:34 AM): ... i want box sets of that show.
Omnipredation (6:34:39 AM): wait. *looks for torrents*
Vpl13 (6:34:40 AM): So images of him with Jessica Alba, especially *mating partners*.... GUH!
Vpl13 (6:34:47 AM): I have that show. :-D
Omnipredation (6:34:49 AM): zomg. head go esplody.
Omnipredation (6:35:18 AM): she's so lickable.
Vpl13 (6:35:25 AM): I know! I wish they could have actually mated... I would have liked to see that, even if Max/Logan is my OTP for DA.
Vpl13 (6:35:29 AM): She is!
Vpl13 (6:35:42 AM): Mmm... Jessica...
Vpl13 (6:36:06 AM): I'll put up with Fantastic4 2 simply to see her in tight clothes. *g*
Omnipredation (6:36:29 AM): holy shitsticks.
Vpl13 (6:36:49 AM): Even if her character is marrying the stretchy guy with grey hair. *shudders in a bad way*
Omnipredation (6:36:51 AM): dark angel seasons 1 and 2 plus bonus features... 17GB
Vpl13 (6:37:37 AM): I have both on dvd... and Luna is supposed to eventually tell me when she wants to watch them. We could have a whole group viewing session! (why did that just sound like porn to me?)
Omnipredation (6:38:01 AM): sounds about as prelude-to-porning as "supernatural consultation" ...
Vpl13 (6:38:24 AM): Yes, well, we already know what you mean by "supernatural consultation" so it's all good. ;-)
Omnipredation (6:39:04 AM): ah well. :-[
Vpl13 (6:39:33 AM): Hee! *sends you mind images of Jensen naked in a bed*
Omnipredation (6:40:30 AM): *laughing so hard*
Omnipredation (6:40:37 AM): biblehbumpers review Dark Angel! .
Omnipredation (6:40:57 AM): "correllation between buffy and dark angel - definitely on my NOT TO WATCH! list"
Omnipredation (6:41:05 AM): *flails and laughs at these people*
Vpl13 (6:41:07 AM): LMAO!!!
Vpl13 (6:42:04 AM): "Avoid -- I was horrified to learn that this show trivializes relationships, promotes sexuality in dating and included scenes of homosexual exploration during dating scenes.
--Kevin E. Brown, age 40"
Vpl13 (6:42:08 AM): *is ded*
Omnipredation (6:42:27 AM): "i don't want my poor little sister to walk away from god because she watched a tv sh ow!!!"
Vpl13 (6:42:45 AM): ROFL!!! Too funny!
Omnipredation (6:43:29 AM): gosh i love stumbling across shit like this.
Vpl13 (6:43:42 AM): It's too funny. *needs to breathe*
Omnipredation (6:44:07 AM): i wonder waht this website has to say about SPN
Vpl13 (6:44:12 AM): ""Dark Angel" is NOT cyberpunk, it is steampunk -- a term for science fiction that has a retro-cum-industrial-revolution-era setting,"
Omnipredation (6:44:15 AM): "they're so gay! run away! there's DEMONZZZEEZZZ"
Vpl13 (6:44:18 AM): He said 'cum' *g*
Omnipredation (6:44:27 AM): that means he's totally into it.
Vpl13 (6:44:31 AM): I know!
Omnipredation (6:44:50 AM): Eragon - Moral Rating: OFFENSIVE
Vpl13 (6:45:27 AM): LMAO! Just because it has two hot boys diving under a waterfall. *g*
Omnipredation (6:46:25 AM): o.O
Omnipredation (6:46:30 AM): i can't say i recall that from the book...
Vpl13 (6:46:46 AM): I've only seen the movie.
Vpl13 (6:46:50 AM): I told you that.
Vpl13 (6:47:31 AM): But the hot boys and waterfall (I originally wrote Wonderfalls *g*) happened when Eragon and Murtagh reached the Varden.
Omnipredation (6:48:14 AM): ahh.
Omnipredation (6:48:39 AM): *tips over and yawns*
Vpl13 (6:48:44 AM): Murtagh is hotter than Eragon, but together they are SEX! Wish they actually had it in the movie.
Omnipredation (6:49:01 AM): i want serafina.
Vpl13 (6:49:02 AM): You should probably go to bed.
Omnipredation (6:49:16 AM): we shall make hot dragon love.
Vpl13 (6:49:23 AM): Serafina was the elf-like girl that got the egg to Eragon, right?
Vpl13 (6:49:28 AM): Oh! Stupid me
Omnipredation (6:49:29 AM): she was the dragon. XD
Vpl13 (6:49:30 AM): Dugh
Omnipredation (6:49:36 AM): dung and spittle!
Omnipredation (6:49:48 AM): yeah, well, dragons can be sexy in waterfalls too. *huff*
Vpl13 (6:49:49 AM): O_O
Vpl13 (6:49:55 AM): She was in the movie!
Vpl13 (6:49:57 AM): So pretty!
Vpl13 (6:50:03 AM): I wanted to pet her and ride her. ;-)
Omnipredation (6:50:11 AM): shiny wet dragon. *holds her down and has his way with her*
Vpl13 (6:50:34 AM): Hee! I can almost picture a comic of that... sooo funny to actually see.
Vpl13 (6:50:45 AM): But I'll stick with images of hot!boy love!
Omnipredation (6:50:52 AM): lol
Omnipredation (6:51:10 AM): i'll leave you to it with my compliments. i'm probably going to have nightmares about dean doing serafina in the butt now.
Vpl13 (6:51:20 AM): =-O
Omnipredation (6:51:21 AM): "sam, look! a real dragon!"
Vpl13 (6:51:28 AM): *snrks*
Omnipredation (6:51:31 AM): sam: ... *jealous*
Vpl13 (6:51:34 AM): LMAO!
Vpl13 (6:51:38 AM): *ded again*
Omnipredation (6:51:48 AM): my work here!
Omnipredation (6:51:50 AM): is done.

And now, coffee time and back to Wincest fic. :D

supernatural, dark angel, wincest, otp, im convo, dragon love

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