captainpenguin called me this morning. This was right after posting went up for Androcles & The Lion!
:drum roll please:: There are 2 separate casts, since there's only 6 characters in the show. I have been cast as Capitan. Capitan is a braggart and major buffoon. He tells these absurd tales of bravery and heroics. In reality he is a ginormous coward. I will have a blast playing him.
I have been set into the cast with Jeremy D, Matt, Mary C.......holy crap...a bunch of stoners for Comedia del Arte. woooooooooooooooo
Now I need to register for classes. I'll wait another week or week and a half. I wanna sign up for Classical Styles of Acting. Not sure about anything else yet.
Ok..going to go get a little more sleep.
OHHHHHHHHHHH..............and the
nicconinny is coming up to NorCal to visit this weekend! YAYYYYYYYYYY. I like seeing her. It's been too long.
Something I've been meaning to talk about.........lurkers! I can understand the people who read others journals and comment here and there. They have their friends marked as such. What doesn't make sense to me are those who lurk watching journals and making posts, BUT do not have these people marked as their friends. WHY do you read my lj? If I'm not good enough to consider a friend on your list, why bother leaving comments on my posts? Just curious.
I'm thinking of making this a FRIENDS ONLY journal. If people want to read my writings, they can request friendship. This is just being thought at the moment. But, I find it annoying that people I don't know read my lj at times. OR people who will have the audacity to post comments to my stuff, bitching about being screened (which EVERYONE not on my friends list is), yet not have me on their list.
I'll make a grand post on this later tonight!
Anyone who has suggestions about FRIENDS ONLY...please let me know. OH....but say something constructive, please. Not a "I want to be on there." Because anyone on my friends list already will be automatically!
Moral of the Story: Bunny's That Are Retarded Look Like Their Namesakes! ::snicker::