Your Sausage Has Back Hair And Smells Like Smegma

Nov 01, 2005 18:27

This may confuse you to no end. That is quite alright. This post has no real content. It is sheer silliness. OR IS IT?

Now, there are some people who like sausages. That is because they are avid pig eaters. Therefore, anything having to do with being made out of some sort of pork product is ok to ingest. There are those who do not eat anything made with pork or cooked on anything that cooks pork. Sometimes it is because of personal choices, such as being Vegan. Usually it is associated with religious beliefs. Such as the Muslim or Jewish faiths.
Now, bare in mind that not ALL who are of these faiths are pork free. I won't make any remarks toward the Muslim faith, as I am not Muslim. Therefore, I will not speak about something I know nothing about. BUT, I am a Jew. (If you hadn't known that before, then you are obviously retarded.)
Not ALL Jews keep kosher. I sure as hell don't. I was not raised as an Orthodox Jew. I was raised as a Conservative Jew. We ate bacon, ham and sausage. Hell, I still do. I like to eat cheese on my burgers. I like having milk products with meat. I eat shellfish. If there is one thing I have learned over the years though is to NEVER eat any sort of meat that has fuzzy stuff sticking to it.
Yes, if your meat is growing fuzz you'll know. It looks like it has grown a Winter coat. Usually these coats are green. *Note, the color green is not ALWAYS a bad thing. But, this depends on what exactly the product itself is. Green M&M's are good. Green plants are even better. That is because plants have vitamins in them. I take vitamins on a daily basis. I am always ingesting Vitamin C. Of course, usually this consists of mixing my Vitamin C with the Vitamins of T & H! =)
Now, back to the subject of meat coats. If you're uncertain of the BACK HAIR on your meat being good for you or not, you need to do a couple other tests. There is the smell test. If your hairy meat smells like SMEGMA, then you are definitely not going to want to eat it. If you're stupid enough to eat fuzzy meat, then you're probably the type who enjoys getting food poisoning. The only feasible way to not get food poisoning? Don't eat meat with BACK HAIR or smells like SMEGMA!
(There, are you happy Lloyd? A post all for your sick pleasures!)

Moral of the Story: If you enjoy hairy meat, lick a Caveman.
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