Mar 25, 2006 12:58
If you get more than 60: you are bad! Lower than that: no worries you're still an angel!
[x]consumed alcohol
[x]slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex
[x]slept in the same bed with someone of the same sex
[x]made out with someone of the opposite sex
[x]made out with someone of the same sex
[x]had someone in your room of the opposite sex
[x]watched porn
[_]bought porn
[x]done drugs
total: 9
[x] taken pain killers
[x] taken someone elses prescription medicine
[x] lied to your parents
[x] lied to a friend
[_] snuck out of the house
[x] done something illegal
[x] cut yourself
[_] hurt someone
[x] wished someone to die
[x] seen someone die
total: 8
[_] missed curfew
[x] stayed out all night
[_] eaten a carton of icecream by yourself
[x] been to a therapist
[_] been to rehab
[x] dyed your hair
[_] recieved a ticket
[_] been in a wreck
[x] been to a club
[x] been to a bar
total: 5
[x] been to a wild party
[_] seen the Mardi Gras
[_] had a spring break in Florida
[x] sniffed anything
[x] wore black nail polish
[_] wore arm bands
[x] wore t-shirts with band names
[x] listened to rap
[_] own a 50 cent cd
total: 5
[x] dressed gothic
[x] dressed prep
[x] dressed punk
[x] dressed grunge
[x] stole something
[x] been too drunk to remember parts of the night
[x] blacked out
[x] fainted
[x] had a crush on your neighbor
[x] had someone sneak into your room
total: 10
[_] snuck into some else's room
[x] had a crush on someone of the same sex
[x] been to a concert
[x] straddled someone
[x] been called a slut
[x] called someone a slut
[_] installed speakers in your car
[_] broke a mirror
[x] showered at someone of the opposites sex's house
[_] brushed your teeth with someone elses toothbrush
total: 6
[_] consider ludacris your favorite rapper
[x] seen an R rated movie in theaters
[x] cruised the mall
[x] skipped school
[x] had an eating disorder
[x] had an injury
[_] gone to court
[_] walked out of a resteraunt without paying
[x] caught something on fire
[x] lied about your age
total: 7
[x] owned an apartment
[x] cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend
[x] cheated with someone
[x] got in trouble with the police
[x] talked to a stranger
[x] hugged a stranger
[x] kissed a stranger
[x] rode in the car with a stranger
[x] been sexually harrassed
[x] been verbally harrassed
total: 10
[x] met face to face with someone you met online
[x] stayed online for 12 hours straight
[_] talked on the phone for more than 6 hours straight
[x] watched tv for 12 hours straight
[x] been to a fair
[x] been called a bad influence
[x] cursed
[x] prank called someone
[x] laid in the bed with someone of the opposite sex
[x] cheated on a test
total: 9
[x] cheated on homework
[x] held hands with someone of the opposite sex
[x] been pushed into a pool
[x] played pool
[x] watched 5 hours of mtv straight
[x] had a crush on someone 10 years older than you
[x] had a crush on someone younger than you
[x] wear eyeliner
[x] skinny dipped
[x] laughed at someone who was seriously hurt (i didn't know how hurt he was at the time)
total: 10
Grand total: 79.
--> Spell your name without vowels: Jnly(?)n
--> What is the date 2 days after your birthday?: January 26
--> How many pairs of jeans do you own?: i don't know and i'm too nautious to get up and check
--> How many are designer?: see above
--> What color do you wear most?: black probably
--> Least favorite color?: brown
--> Last song heard on the radio?: i don't know
--> What's for dinner tonite?: i don't know if i'll feel good enough to eat
--> Are you happy with your life right now?: most of the time. i'm thrilled with certain aspects all the time though.
--> Tell me a secret about one of your siblings: matt white-boy dances like none other
--> Anyone ever said you resemble a celebrity?: yes
--> Who did you last call on your cell phone?: whatever phone dan was on last night after his phone died
--> Do you own a..
- PS2?: no
- XBOX 360?: No
- PSP?: No
- DIGITAL CAMERA?: yes, but it's ancient and big
--> In what state or country do you want to go to school after highschool?: one day i want to go to california
--> Do you shop at stores like Hollister, Abercrombie & Fitch, American Eagle, or Aeropostale?: all but abercrombie & fitch
--> How do you make money?: work-study at the library
--> Last thing you bought over 50 dollars?: my week's stay at the princess royale
--> How's the weather?: it's out there and i'm in here. i don't know
--> When do you start Summer Break?: i will never have summer break again. school's over after this
--> Are you missing someone right now?: so much
--> What chores do you have around the house?: we don't do chores here. we do what needs to be done. that's what big kids do
--> Finish this sentence. I wish I was ___: lying in my enormous bed at the princess royale in ocean city in our up-graded room with dan by my side
--> One word to describe you: nautious
--> Favorite pair of shoes: hmm... probably my teal strappy sandals with the pink flowers and green leaves
--> Do you own big sunglasses?: yes
--> Do you find yourself attractive?: sometimes
--> What should you be doing right now?: trying to choreograph more of my dance
--> Have you kissed your boyfriend/girlfriend lately?: yesterday around 5:30
--> Last IM you recieved?: dan- "okay"
--> Last text message you recieved?: n/a
--> Who did you hug today?: heather
*Clothes: maroon velvety pajama pants, white underware, white sports bra, black t-shirt that says "i'm smiling because they haven't found the bodies yet"
*Jewelry: gold leaf ring, engagement ring, gem clauddagh ring, star and moon ring, ocean city pink dangling belly button ring, gold necklace with amethyst stone that i haven't taken off from last night still
*Make-up: probaly smudged mascara and eyeliner is all that remains
*Hair: ugly bun
*Music: none
*Thought: ugh... dan come and take care of me
*Mindset: boredom
*Wish For: lots of money so i wouldn't be freaking out about paying for things
*Job: circulation desk librarian