What (WoW) class would you be?

Jun 15, 2010 13:00

So, this entry will be moved to my new WoW journal once I either find the one I thought I had already created - or create a new one.

But for now, non-WoWers can skip this whole entry.

A couple months back i stumbled onto some music videos created by people that are world of warcraft themed. There are a bunch out there, but Nyhm is one of the ones I like the most. He does mostly parodies of popular rap songs. His latest video is an original song, and it is called If You Could Be.. and it is asking if you could be any class (from World of Warcraft) for one day, in real life, what would you choose. And throughout the song he, along with other musicians that he features in the song, go through the options.. what they could choose, what they would choose and what would you do with your abilities.  Some lean toward they class they play, some say they'd choose another class instead.

So, I got to thinking, if I could be any of the classes from WoW for a day, which would I pick. I thought about the classes I play the most often. I have 2 druids, a death knight, a warlock and a mage.

Lets point out the pros/cons of each:

Druid: Shape-shifters - cat, bear, sea lion, moonkin, travel cat, flight - it would be cool to be able to switch into a different form, fly around, run fast, etc. My druids are balance - cast spells, damage.. and Restoration - tree form and healing, resurrect. So for a day I would be able to deal a lot of damage if I wanted to, or heal. Can't really say resurrect because, whomever I brought back would probably go back to being dead as soon as my day was up. Not that the song goes that in-depth. :)

Death Knight - Lots of damage.. raise the dead (not in the way healers do, they rez corpses as minions to fight beside them).

Mage - teleports for travel, conjure food and water, spells/damage, polymorph - turn enemies into sheep. :) Depending on the spec, mine happens to be fire, some really cool fire-y things.. but I can also freeze myself in a block of ice (to protect myself).. not sure exactly what the big stuff for frost or arcane mages are. She's still pretty low, so I don't even have the coolest fire thing - a dragon head that breathes fire on stuff. :)

Warlock - from what I know about being a warlock, they get minions... like little demon pets that help them. They cast curses for damage that happens over time. They can send enemies running in fear, I think they get mind control too. Not all to familiar with this class yet.

These are just the ones that I play. I know a little bit about other classes too. Rogues can stealth (of course so can druid cats but they walk slower), Warriors are hella strong - don't know much about those, Hunters tame animals as pets to help, Shaman - oooh shaman are pretty cool, they control the elements (well, some of them do) and they have totems that help give them health and mana and strength. Fun stuff. What else is there... humans, well I'm already human soo I'd like to try something different. :) Priest, hmm aside from the bubble they walk in sometimes and their healing power I'm not sure what those do. Same with paladins, I know they do something with bubbles but depending on the spec they can either be healers or mega damage.

So, with all that out there, I think I'd choose either a druid or a mage. The choices of a druid would be more to play around with than there are hours in a day. In flight form I could fly around to visit people, if its hot, I could jump in the ocean and switch into sea lion and swim, cheetah is a fast running form.. cat can stealth if I wanted to be sneaky.. bear, not really something I play with in the game so I don't think I'd do more than the bear dance outside of the game.

I think I'd choose to be a druid. The forms would help me get around faster and go farther. In sealion form, I could help the people trying to stop/clean up the oil leak. Restoration abilities are earth-based, because those races that can be druids in the game are night elves and taurens who are caretakers of the earth. Those restoration abilities could help in areas where its dry and crops arent doing well, cast a little lifebloom or something like that, it could help. One day isn't very long, especially when there are so many possibilities. But it would be nice to see how much an effect each player could have if we could all (all 11.5 million of us!) could pick a class to be for one day. Thats also assuming everyone would do GOOD things for the planet... the way we do in the game. Because really no matter what side you're on, everyone is doing what they can for the good of their side. 
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