Title: After Dark
Rating: 18
Genre: Supernatural Horror
Band: Mejibray
Pairing: Koichi x MiA
Summary: The sun protects us, a shining beacon that has kept the darkness at bay. Evil fears it, for the light is their weakness and they shun it. Even the sun can't protect me now, nothing can. Except perhaps for the man I know only as 'Koichi'.
Author's Note: New chapters every Monday and Friday. (I may post early due to having no access to a computer on the posting day).
Previous Chapters:
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter EightChapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen New Chapter:
Chapter Sixteen
“Guys,” Ichiro warned, “The Ravens are coming, we need to turn on the lights.”
“I won't give you MiA!” Koichi snarled, as he grabbed me towards him so I couldn't leave his side. To my surprise Yuuki didn't fight him for me, instead diving into the pool and slipping under the tarp that was covering most of the surface. His vampire companions followed him, and with a flip of a switch the room was filled with UV light. Beside me Koichi snarled, dragging me with him into the pool, Meto close by his side.
“Make up your mind,” Yuuki ordered Koichi over the sounds of snarling vampires in the door way. “Rose or Raven?”
“I have no choice!” Koichi snarled at his brother as he let me go, “Father is dead, you're the only family I have left.” Yuuki accepted his reasoning, but I didn't, not one bit. He simply didn't want to fight Yuuki over me, so had chosen the simpler option. It was enough to defuse the situation, if only a little.
“Will the lights hold?” Meto worried, having seen how easily I had destroyed the lights before.
“I rigged them,” Tsuzuku reassured him, “I learnt from my mistakes last time.”
“Of course you did,” Meto replied, almost pleased with Tsuzuku, “I should have known changing you wasn't enough to take you out of the human resistance. How easy it must have been for Yuuki to seduce you with ideas of the Rose clan.”
“And you?” Tsuzuku asked, “King Kamijo only accepts vampires who aren't a threat to his way of life. Can you live in his world?”
“My place is by Koichi's side,” Meto answered, “I won't leave him.” He added, for Yuuki's benefit.
“Well then,” Yuuki said with a sly smile, “The two of you are going to have to learn the value of hard work. Everyone pulls their weight in the Rose clan, everyone is equal.”
“Except perhaps, their brand new prince,” Meto said, much to the distaste of Yuuki and his guards.
Unlike the vampires, I had the option of leaving the pool, which I had done the moment Koichi had forgotten to keep his eyes on me. At last, there was another way! I was elated by the news, praying that it was everything that had been promised to me.
“Here you go,” Ichiro said, as he placed a towel around me, “Those white shorts weren't the best thing to swim in.”
“Perhaps not,” I admitted, blushing as I realised what he meant. “You knew of this, the whole time?”
“Since the humans started infecting themselves,” Ichiro admitted, “Yuuki needed them to hold onto hope, to stop the epidemic. Zero has been plotting with him from pretty much the day of the apocalypse.”
“At first he was looking for a place for the two of us,” Zero explained, “But the moment he found Kamijo's clan he knew it was the best option for us all. It was only trying to figure out how to get you out, that caused so many delays.”
“Have you been to the clan?” I asked him, “Is it really so good?”
“Yes,” Zero reassured me. “Mostly. Humans still have to work during the day, farming, maintenance and everything else but the vampires do help, as well as guarding the school of course. The vampires drink clone blood, mostly, unless a human allows a vampire to feed from them. As I do with Yuuki, as King Hizaki does with King Kamijo.”
“I see,” I replied. Koichi would expect the same from me, I wondered if I could even say no to him, even if I wanted too.
“First though, we're all being put into therapy,” Zero explained, “We'll be separated from the vampires until the doctors see us as fit for society once more.”
“You mean, they'll brain wash us into Kamijo's ideals,” I muttered. There was no way the doctors would see mine, or Zero's, relationships as healthy. I didn't think Zero had a clue how brainwashed by Yuuki he had become, he talked of therapy as something he would easily get out of, I had my doubts. At least I was aware of the reality I had been living in.
“They're letting me out,” Ichiro informed me, after finding me alone in the library, “They need more doctors, and think I can handle the outside world, even with PTSD.”
“That's good, right?” I asked. I knew Ichiro had witnessed a lot in the Meji clan, seeing the results of the worst of the vampire's activities. He's confessed to me, and his doctor, that he often woke up screaming from nightmares. Even so, he was able to keep things together, which is more than a lot of humans here, some of which would never make it out of their therapy sessions.
“If you can call a flu outbreak good,” Ichiro answered, “Are you going to be all right? I know Zero and I are the only ones who like you.”
“I'll have to be all right,” I answered. I'd grown used to the names from those who didn't understand why I didn't gladly turn my back on Koichi. In all honestly I was still confused to how I felt about him. I missed him of course, but I wondered if it was healthy for me to miss what we had. He'd been controlling, manipulative and a bully over and over again, yet he had been kind and gentle too. Which side of him was real? Perhaps I was trapped in the cycle of abuse, as the doctors had warned. He hurt me, he apologised and then he was kind, until he hurt me again. The night we had come here, he hadn't hesitated to use me as a bargaining tool. “Does Zero know?”
“Rito,” Ichiro corrected me, we were no longer to use the names the vampires had given us, “Is in his room sulking, again. I told him I was going, and he begged me to take him with him.”
“Perhaps it would be best to let him out?” I thought, “He's been with Yuuki so long, so well brain washed into loving him, that he's not going to change with decades of therapy. Does it even matter, if he's happy?”
“I told him to wait for your release, before kicking up a scene,” Ichiro answered. “You're right, he's not going to change, but I thought you might want a friend here.”
“Thanks,” I said, giving Ichiro a hug before heading to Zero's room.
“So,” Zero demanded, “When are you going to realise you're in love with Koichi so that we can get out of here?”
“I know I'm in love with him, I just don't know if the love is good.” I answered him, sighing as I sat down on the edge of his bed. “Honestly, I don't know what to do.”
“Is sulking around in here helping?” Zero asked, “I don't mean to demean everything we've been through, but you never got to know him in a normal setting. Isn't this your chance to finally install some kind of balance into your relationship? Give him a chance, you can always end things later if necessary. Who knows how living here has changed him. You can think about things outside, just as easily as you can here. Perhaps more so?”
“You just want to get out,” I scolded him, “Fine, let's see what things are like outside therapy?”
With a grin, Zero and I ran outside, quickly joining Ichiro by the gates. He gave us both a look, as if we were fools, but he smiled anyway and helped us convince the woman at the front desk to release us all. Thankfully the therapy turned out to be optional, in all but the most extreme cases, so after signing self release forms we were free to enter the rest of the school.
“Those are the vampire dorms,” Zero pointed, “And behind us are the humans. Vampires aren't allowed in our dorms, but if invited we are allowed in theirs. It's an attempt to restore balance, and protect humans who aren't ready to be among vampires. The science labs are where the clone blood is being created for the community, but there is trade with other clans. That's strictly done by the vampires, the other vampires don't know what's going on here. As you saw before, the school fields are now farm land, though the school borders went well into the woods beyond. A lot of the classrooms are empty, but some are in use.”
“Where do you think Koichi is?” I asked him, after we had led Ichiro to the old nurses office, still used for medical facilities.
“Probably sulking in his dorm,” Zero answered, “He refused to work. Refuses to do anything really. Kamijo gave him an ultimatum, if he still refuses to help out once your released, then he has to leave.”
“How do you know this?” I demanded, “We've had no contact with the outside world.”
“Well, you haven't,” Zero said, with a wink. “Anyway, it's day so the vampire's aren't going to anywhere but their dorms.”
“That's true,” I agreed, following Zero back to the vampire dorm and into the hall that was so silent you would almost think it was empty.
“You're not allowed in here,” a vampire warned, waking on his guard duty as we entered.
“We've just been released from therapy,” Zero explained, “Can't you tell Yuuki and Koichi that we're here?”
“The famous MiA?” the guard asked, looking between us as he tried to figure out which one of us was which.
“That's me,” I said, feeling shy. I wasn't used to talking to vampires outside of Koichi's small circle of friends, it was strange to be here with one and not be afraid.
“Wait here,” the guard ordered, jumping from his desk and rushing up the stairs. It was a matter of seconds before a pink haired vampires had locked me in his arms.
“Princess?” Koichi asked, “It's really you?”
“Who else would it be?” I asked. Taken back, not by how much he has missed me, but how much I had missed him.