Title: After Dark
Rating: 18
Genre: Supernatural Horror
Band: Mejibray
Pairing: Koichi x MiA
Summary: The sun protects us, a shining beacon that has kept the darkness at bay. Evil fears it, for the light is their weakness and they shun it. Even the sun can't protect me now, nothing can. Except perhaps for the man I know only as 'Koichi'.
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Well humans are not meant to drink blood and can develop serious allergies and other conditions when doing so XD I've never tasted anyone else's blood but mine and it's kinda metallic and salty so it's always confusing when someone says blood can taste sweet. Again I guess only a vampire would be able to taste things like hormones. Hormones can have different smell so I guess they taste differently as well.
.... I sound like a psychopath don't I? Does it help that before I was vegetarian I could only ever eat my steak well done? I considered any pink parts as "uncooked", and it tastes disgusting.
I have suffered from terrible dental health all my life (my teeth break easily, specially my molars which are supposed to be stronger) and that's the reason I've drank my own blood XD
I alternate between not being able to eat meat unless is nearly burnt and times when I eat it rare and even the blood in it seems tasty, I don't know what makes me having weird eating habits, I just go along with it .-. It's probably a lack on some vitamins or so...
I wonder how much is that going to cost! I'm gonna need it in all my molars .-. It would be awesome that my teeth would grow themselves back... otherwise I might be one more old lady with fake teeth one day 😭
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