4th post in a row no one comments on...

Feb 14, 2012 11:26

Is LJ truly dead or am I just the most boring blogger evah (the latter I suppose - I must get a life)?

I am currently doing a high protein, high fat, low/no carb diet. And when I say diet what I mean is I'm trying to change my eating style altogether rather than follow a short term programme. According to books I've read a high protein, high fat, low carb eating plan is the best to avoid getting type 2 diabetes (which at my obese weight I'm in danger of) as well as losing pounds.

I'm a week into it and coping pretty well (it's not that easy eating a lot of protein when you're a non meat-eating pescatarian). I've only lost a pound or two so far but it's early days. Wish me slender. If it doesn't work I'll be back on the carbs in a flash *g*
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