holy crap. i'm leaving for the browncoat ball on thursday and i have not started packing. the thing is, i cannot pack 'cause i haven't washed clothes for like 2 weeks and therefore have nothing clean to pack!
i still have so much to do!!
i don't have anything to wear to the ball so hopefully
sparky77 and i will go shopping tonight and be successful in finding me something tonight...
then, i have to go wash clothes after work on tuesday...
...and only after washing can i pack (and holy crap, this is always a long process so i should have started days ago so i don't forget anything)
meanwhile, we have to pick the new bcb city and it's been really tough this year...
it doesn't sound like a lot... but it is! i'm leaving on thursday!
...also, jensen ackles has taken over my brain. well, jared too. i've been overloading on youtube videos of con panels and interviews and omg... they are so awesome! jared is totally crazy goofy while jensen is more restrained... but they are adorable.
yup. i'm one of those newbie fans that the bitter old fan queens complain about... lol