weekend update

Jan 08, 2007 16:02

- - my 2yr old niece had her birthday party this past saturday. had a great time, saw a lot of family. mario set up his dj equipment and played a ton of music. musical chairs was crazy, only 1 kid cried when they didn't sit down in time. why do kids take these things so seriously? i wonder if i did when i was a kid?

= = when i got home at around midnight from the party (yeah, they like to party - my brother, his wife and her parents and brothers were still hanging out dancing and drinking with no end in sight) i watched eps 11, 12, 13 and about half of 14, of torchwood. the eps were pretty good, pretty interesting with some of captn jack's background - especially episode 13! ep 14 was kinda meh, except for the very, very end - literally, the last, like, 30 seconds. the whole episode was one cliche after another and the acting seemed a bit forced. (also, am i crazy or was the big bad in that ep the same one as in that one dr. who episode (with 10) with the very similar big bad?)

i don't care how good/bad it is though. torchwood got picked up for a 2nd series! yay!

~ ~ i watched 9 episodes of how i met your mother thanks to black magic fingers(tm) so i think that i'm now all caught up and can watch tonight's episode (which i believe is a new one).

- - myspace. i finally got one just to keep track of nathan fillion, since he got one and he has been posting. i had it for a couple of weeks when i got a friend request... my aunt! so, i've been finding out that a few of my relatives have myspaces so i think i'm going to use it for keeping in touch with them, even though i think myspace is out of control with all the weird graphics and layouts and music and pictures! i don't refer back to my lj from there at all. if you have a myspace and want to friend me or have me friend you (i still am kinda fuzzy on exactly how it works), my myspace is: http://www.myspace.com/vampirefangrrl

= = as you may know, i got a new replacement cell phone from the insurance co. for the one i lost. it's the samsung d807. it's actually pretty nice. i haven't had time to change my voice mail message 'cause when i tried, i got this weird choice thing - either change the "busy" message, the "not available" message or the "extended absence" message. i guess things have changed a little. i used to only change my "greeting" so i was a stumped and i'll have to figure it out later. meanwhile, if you do call me, please leave your phone number in your message 'cause i don't have a lot of phone numbers any more. i know that if you hang up before leaving a message, your number will appear in my missed calls, but i won't know who you are!

+ + orlando!!

tv:torchwood, tv:farscape, tv:how i met your mother, bits, family

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