Aug 04, 2003 00:09
hahhahahaha im a goof ball! but you all already knew that. ok heres the 411 on me. ........ ha there is no 411. hahaha ok really, today i spent the day w/ my cousins from Oaklahoma and ashee. we wnt to the bech, got sunburnt, and totally ate sand. ash and i ate it sooo bad while boogie boarding. it was fun though. ashee's top came untied and she had to have me tie here back up snd my totally hot "cousin" philip was completely oblivious to the whole ordeal. it was so funny. anyway, after being wiped out, ash and i stayed on dry land. we then packed up and headed to the harbor village. ashee and i rode the carosel. she rode a doggie, and i rode rudoloph. and we ate a green apple covered in tastless caramel. yuck. anywho, we then went back up to ojai and stayed there for like ever. ash and i watched Paulie w/ philip and casey (my cousins) then Alias, then part of The Practice then we were able to go home. we arrived back at my house at like 11. we took a much a needed and deserved shower. now i sit here and tell you all of this. so yeah that was my day. way fun. and i have to go work tomorrow. yuck. i dont want to. but all well, it beats staying home w/ my mother. well anywho, im good. very tired though. so good night
luv to all from the dragon
Ps i love you ashee bear and thanx for going w/ me. i had a lot of fun. as i always do when we get together.
luv, me