Jun 30, 2003 22:09
hey there everbody. hehee. i just got bak from the beach with ashee, min-min, mike, robbie, tony, and of course peter. i just wanted to let youall know what was up. i was at work today when i received a vase of flowers. i opened the card and they were from andy as were the box of fruit covered chocolate. heres a exact quote fromt he card: "to my dearerst chelsea, i just want you to know that i ment what said. i truely hope that you can forgive such a ridiclus blunder. i understand that you may need some time. sincerely, the andy man." typos and all. now i ask you, since he knows that im w/ peter, what time? well got to go/ please give me your comments. i need them. thanx
luv to all from the Dragon