Heath Ledger!!!!

Aug 12, 2008 15:54

it's pumpkinqueen again! cupcake is way too busy filming her movie to bother you...so i get to!!!! woot! pumpkinqueen reigns!!!
and hello. i'd ask how you feel, but i really don't care. i don't get extra credit for acting like i care, and i already have control of your brain through your reading this.
i actually have a topic for today!!!!
I noticed today's 'writer's block' thingy--it wanted to know if I thought Heath Ledger deserved his Oscar for the Joker.
To begin, i have always been a HUGE fan of the Joker, more of a fan than I am of batman. best. villain. ever.
so naturally, i've been limping around spouting Heath Ledger quotes.
look, i worshiped Jack Nicholson's Joker. but i just burned down my shrine of him and replaced it with one of the Incredible Mr. Ledger. The movie amazed me, which is hard for a movie to do if it doesn't have Johnny Depp in it. the movie in general was alright, good directing, effects, pace, plot, and all that, and an awesome albeit weird soundtrack that made it sound like two mattresses were making love in the background during the entire movie. (heheh...i don't actually read the New Yorker, just that article...). Christian Bale's 'Batman Raspy Monotone' was kind of annoying.
but let's face it people; that movie is all about the Joker.
i take my hat off to anyone who participated in the promo online scavenger hunt. i'm still kicking myself for not visiting the site. the outlink sites still exist, like ibelieveinharveydent.com and stuff like that.
For years, i have always wondered to myself what my favorite movie would turn out to be. maybe a classic, i thought, or something from the twisted mind if the illustrious Tim Burton. alas, and apologies to Tim, but Dark Knight is definitely my favorite, if only for the time being.
if you are a true minion, you'll go see the movie at least three times. a friend of mine has seen it five times, and is considering shooting for eight. and run--don't walk--to the nearest Imax and see it as many times as you can afford. i'm considering dedicating halloween--the most important day of the year--to Joker (although I might end up trooping around in a Guy Fawkes Mask...i already ordered it off of ebay...).
That movie would not be even close to what it is without Heath Ledger's incredible acting, and i would definitely steal every single Oscar there is and give them to him...if he were alive. he's dead. i know it's absolutely tragic and hard to say, but...he's dead. they need to give him some special award, some huge-honor-kind of award that people will remember, because he died because of that role, sacrificed himself for his art. he should be martyred. but not given an Oscar. he should be remembered, honored, the whole nine yards, man; he deserves it. but other actors worked their asses off on other movies and should be rewarded. whether or not they were as good as Heath--I personally don't think so, Heath >TRUMPS<, but that's just me--they will be there to accept the award. people don't remember who won an Oscar a year or two later; i'm into movies, and i can't keep track. Heath Ledger should live on, not be given a trophy that everyone will forget about.
they should make some kind of honorable Oscar for actors who pass during or after filming and can't receive their awards. and Heath should get the first one. or two. or six.
but what do i know? i'm nothing without my puppets. they complete me. so COMMENT. let me know where you stand on this!!!


I am still trapped in a desolate office building and being forced against my will to come back tomorrow. no one rescued me. this is unacceptable!!!!
i did, however, get a half-drunk cyber-McFlurry. it alleviated my rage a tad. but not by much.
you're all on my list. except for my source known as Alphonse. i buy Alphonse half a McFlurry.

~pumpkinqueen the GREAT

jack nicholson, sky hook, mcflurry, johnny depp, fries, heath ledger

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