Breif Update

Jan 12, 2006 22:29

K, yeah so I've kinda avoided personal topics lately, but here's a brief update.

Bill lost his job. We are so behind on things. Got served with a 3 day notice yesterday. I tried to be positive, he actually broke down and cried. I secretly cried in the shower.

I spent a large portion of the evening updating my resume. I applied to tons of jobs. Looks like my skills are still considered useful as I got a phone call at 7:49am regarding a position. I have interviews tomorrow and even one on Saturday. Many others are pending.

Had to get rid of one of my cats, as he and the baby didn't mix. He actually scratched him 2 different times, drawing much blood and coming close to an eye. I'm sad, yet realize he's going to be much happier in a home with no young children and the only cat.

Received a call mid-day from an emergency one time only program that asked us to come down to apply. Since Bill lost his job, we have long since plowed thru any form of savings, and we were served a 3 day, they can help us. They called our management company and verified our info and have a check waiting for us to pick up in the morning and pay our rent with. All I can say is thank fucking lord. Makes me realize that the volunteer work and little donations I make when I can really do come back upon you. Karma if you will. It makes me want to do even more now. :)

Um yeah, so that's about it. Fingers crossed for a good job, kids are healthy, love and stuff. Yay!
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