They’re Just Big Fluffy Puppies With Bad Teeth…Right?

Oct 15, 2011 11:18

Title: They’re Just Big Fluffy Puppies With Bad Teeth…Right?
Fandoms: Supernatural/Angel the Series
artist: deadflowers5
Mixer: sucksucksmile
Pairing: Dean/Castiel; Angel/Spike
Word Count: ± 17,000
Rating/Warnings: NC-17
Beta: dansetheblues & inbetweencabs who love me even when I ask them to beta at the verylastmoment! ILU bbs ♥ all mistakes mine, never theirs!
Summary: There’s something happening in Barrow, Alaska. The town is being overrun by vampires who’re revelling in the two month long, almost 24-hour a day, darkness. Half the townsfolk are in hiding, the other half are in denial - and are ending up as food. Sam and Dean decide that they might need some extra help on this one. They get a little more than they bargain for when Angel and Spike introduce them to Illyria. Having an ex-god on their side might help even if Dean’s angel thinks it’s a very bad idea indeed.
Notes: Title stolen from Joss Whedon, the god of all things Angel…. Written for 2011 vampirebigbang

Link to fic master post: Story
Link to art master post: Art
Link to mix post: still to come

!round 2, type: slash

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