Angels & Demonds

Apr 19, 2005 11:06

Well this week is gonna be hecktic. The lil kids are taking the state tests so all my classes are all screwed up. So today I have my odd classes like 1, 3, 5, and 7. And tomorrow I"ll have 2,4, and 6. This comp class is my 1st period so sorry sweetie but I won't be able to update till like friday again and even then classes are shortened to less then thirty minutes. lol But at least classes don't start till eleven something in my time.
I feel dammed. That's a good thing. LOL what I mean is that I feel all powerful and I can conquer anything and stuff. Like if that demond Skorne was real I could walk up and kill him. Damn there arn't that many people in class. Guess everyone decided to skip. Sweet.
Oh I won't be going to prom. That girl canceled on me. So my family has the limo in reserve still so I'll go with ALL my cousins and go do something. I mean me, my bro, Arthur, Angelo, Anthony, Jonny, Bianca, and Gigi. Oh yeah this is gonna be fun. I gotta call em first though to let em know ahead of time. Man we're just killing time here.
How far have you gotten in Secret Song? I'm almost done I think. I'm at the part where that girl just miscarried her baby. That sucks. I wonder what the child would have looked like. hhmm...
Summer is coming up and that reminded me of when you and I were on the phone and you were at K-Mart looking for swimsuites. I remember you said there was this animal print one and you wouldn't wear that except for me. Your so special to me sweetie. I'm so happy to know I'm your angel and I'll always be your angel.
Oh are you watching the news about the Vatican? It deals with our religion my love. I wonder who will be our new Pope. Oh my mom and I were talking and she said she was kinda against me living in italy and all until I told her I'd love to live in Vatican City and she changed her mind and was like she has my blessing to go and be happy and live where I choose. I hope you'd like to live there with me. Vatican City. The holy of holies for catholics. Man that place is so beautiful with the architecture and richness in history.
I wish I had some coffee. lol I remember you said you don't like it. I do but I'm picky with coffee. I hate the taste of domestic. Foreighn is so much better in richness and taste. Oh and someday I wanna go to Hawai and just get a whole suitecase full of Hawian coffee. Man that stuff is so good. *mouth waters*
Oh nuts I gotta go. I love you forever sweetie. *i hold you close and tight to me* I hope you have a good day at school today.
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