For the Prussia/Canada Com's Secret Santa!
bakacomputer My prompt being :
It's time to pop the news to Francis and Arthur. Matthew and Gilbert have been dating for a while now, and they are ready to tell the one who scares them most, Arthur. Why now? 'Cause Matthew's pregnant.
Title: The Joys of Family (2/3)
Rating: T
Parrings/Characters: PruCan, UsUk (In this chapter!), France Possible Italy, Germany, and Spain
A few weeks later Canada stood outside France’s house. He wanted to knock on the door, but something wouldn’t let him. Maybe it was the child inside him. He was starting to dislike it a little bit (Just a little, he couldn’t ever bring himself to hate it). The simple smell of maple syrup was making him sick to his stomach. He wanted to eat the strangest things. Burgers were at the top of that list. For some reason his brother’s favorite food always looked amazing at the moment. Which was upsetting because he normally only had one when America insisted. He also found himself craving some of those strange German sausages...Wurst? Who cared right now? He had to speak to France. He sighed as he raised his hand to knock on the door.
“Coming~” France’s voice rang though the door. When France opened the door he saw Canada. “Mathieu~ what a pleasant surprise! What brings you to my doorstep?” He asked, stepping aside to let him in. Canada shyly walked in and France closed the door.
”I-I need to tell you...something kind of important.” He said. France smiled at him and started leading him to his sitting room.
“Of course. I must warn you though, I do have some guests over...” guests?
“I-it can wait...” He’d rather not let others know and tell England before he could. France frowned.
“It’s just Gilbert and Antonio...” he looked at Canada “Spain.” He clarified. “And Gilbert probably already knows...and he’d tell ‘Tonio anyways.” Canada blushed. France smirked again. “I do know about the two of you.”
”Gil mentioned that he told you...” He said. He followed France into his family room where Spain and Prussia were sitting around on France’s couch. Spain saw them first.
“Who was at the door?” Spain asked, not noticing Canada in the room. France laughed.
“Can you not see Mathieu?” he asked pointing to the blonde boy. Spain glanced over to him.
”Oh! Must have missed you. You know, you look a lot like America.” He blinked. “Wait...The same guy as...” He glanced towards Prussia. Prussia let out a laugh and walked over to Canada. He draped and arm around his shoulders.
“Yep~ He’s mine!” France smiled and rolled his eyes.
”Would you like something to drink, Mathieu? Some wine maybe?” Canada turned pink and shook his head.
”No wine...could I just have some water?” France raised an eyebrow, but nodded. He went to go get the water. Prussia dragged Canada over to where Spain was sitting. He sat on the couch then pulled Canada on it too. He looked between Canada and Spain.
“Well...I guess it’s time for an actually introduction...” He cleared his throat. “Tonio, this is Matt. Matt this is Antonio...Spain, whatever, I don’t think he cares what you call him.” Spain laughed.
”Not really.” He admitted. “Either’s fine.” Canada nodded, blushing. This caused Spain to laugh again.
“You’re right. He is really cute when you can actually see him!” Spain reached out and pinched one of his cheeks. “Though, I still think Lovi’s cuter...” This made Prussia snort.
“Think what you want. But Romano is less cute because he’s always angry.”
“Lovi’s not angry...that’s just his personality...” Spain defended. Prussia laughed again. Frowned, “I’m not kidding! He’s just...grumpy.”
“That makes him less cute, though.” Prussia taunted. The two fought for awhile over the matter of who had a cuter boyfriend. Through this exchange Canada blushed, he’d rather not be talked about like this. The two jokingly argued over it until France walked back in, carrying a bottle of wine, three glasses, and a glass of water.
“What are you two fighting about?” He asked chuckling. Prussia looked to France.
”Tell Tonio that Matt is much cuter then Romano!” Spain then butt in with his own plea to France...
“Francis, mi amigo, tell Gilbert that he is wrong. Lovi’s anger is cute!” France shook his head at them.
“Mathieu, have they really been arguing about this?” Canada nodded. France laughed again. “I think that Mathieu is cuter.” He said, winking at Canada, “Though if it was Romano sitting there instead of him he would be cuter then.”
“You are such a whore.” Prussia commented. France smiled.
“No, I just believe that amore can’t be tied down!” France said dramatically. “You two use to see the same, you know.” The two shrugged.
The conversation kept moving along as France offered Canada wine again. When Canada refused France seemed to remember that he came over for a reason.
“You mentioned you wanted to tell me something?” He asked. Canada’s face turned red and he looked to the floor. Hmm, France had green carpet. A very green carpet. In fact, it was an amazing shade of green. He took a deep breath, it was now or never. He went to say it. But all that came out was noise. He gulped. How was he supposed to tell France? He tried to open his mouth again. He felt like he was going to puke. He placed a hand over his mouth just in case.
“Mathieu? Are you feeling ok?” France asked, placing the back of his hand on Canada’s forehead. Canada nodded.
”I-I’m fine...” He said, happy he was able to talk. “I just...need to tell you something.” He stared at the carpet some more.
“I am listening.” France told him. “You can tell me whatever you need to.” Canada tried again. But after a few more minuets of Canada stuttering France looked to Prussia. “What is he trying to say?” Best just to ask Prussia, he probably knew AND would actually be able to tell him. Prussia sighed.
”I think he’s trying to tell you...” Prussia thought of the best way to say this. Saying ‘impregnated by awesomeness’ would probably get him slapped. Um... well, the truth was always a good option...sometimes...almost never. “I’m pretty sure he’s trying to tell you that he’s pregnant.”
And then everything went silent. Prussia and Canada waited for a reaction from France (Hell, they’d even like one from Spain). France looked between the two of them.
“Did you say pregnant?” France asked. He had to have heard wrong. There was no way that little Canada could be with child. But Canada nodded. Damn. He really was pregnant. Well, only one thing that France could say now.
“Congratulations then.” He looked between them. Canada seemed overjoyed that France wasn’t yelling. Prussia, on the other hand, was trying to figure out why he hadn’t been smacked.
“That’s it?” the red-eyed ex-nation asked. “Just congrats?” France nodded. And that was that. Telling France (and Spain, really) had been simple. France was happy for them and Spain commented that the baby would be cute, but only if it looked like Canada. This started another playful ‘fight’ between Prussia and Spain. All seemed to go fine between the four nations, until Canada left to go to the bathroom. The second he did, France game the ‘don’t do ANYTHING to him or hurt him or else’. When Prussia mentioned that he lost every war he’d ever fought France just glared at him. Though it was short lived, as France swore to harm him if he ever did anything, and Prussia just accepted it.
When Canada came back he stayed for a bit longer before deciding he should go see his brother. He knew that America would take it worse then France. Because of this, Prussia decided to go with Canada to see America. So the two left France and headed for America.
Upon arriving, America never answered his door. Canada sighed and let the two of them into his brother’s house himself.
” home?” The two heard a voice moan from the living room. Canada, fearing something was wrong, ran into the dark living room. Prussia followed him, to make sure that Canada would be safe. The sight they were met with was not a pretty one.
America was sitting on the floor in just pajama pants, with a video game controller in his hand. It turned out he was moaning because his character died in his game. Canada laughed, which caused America to look over at them (after pausing his game).
“Hey Prussia and...Um... Matt!” He said, luckily remembering his brother’s name. He turned back to the TV and started playing again. “What brings you here?” He asked, tying to defeat a boss. Prussia looked at the TV.
“What kind of a game is this? It looks like a purple piece of shit is trying to burn some green lawn gnomes...” America scoffed.
”It’s a dragon! And he’s beating lawn gnomes...” He said, trying to ‘burn’ the gnome-look-a-like. “Why are you here anyway? OH MOTHER FUCKER!” He screamed at the TV. He mashed a button “Jump you god dam faggot!” Canada stared and him while Prussia laughed. When Canada could finally speak again he sighed.
”America, could you pause that for a second?” America sighed and did so. “Thank you...So, eh... I’m kind Prussia.” He said quickly, getting ready for the explosion. America blinked, then turned back to his game and started playing again.
“Awesome. Is that it? Oh fuck!” He jammed another button. Canada couldn’t believe it.
“That’s it? You don’t care?”
“Should I? Your life, not mine.” He died on the game, “MOTHER FUCKING ASSWIPE!” He restarted. “Date who you want. You don’t care that I’m with Iggy, why should I care about you and Prussia.” Canada sighed in relief.
“You don’t know how glad I am to hea-“
“FUCKER! DIE!” He was interrupted by America. He then realized he had forgotten something. “Oh, throw on one of those normal big brother things...don’t feel like making one up. Pretend I have a shot gun and not a game controller, too.” Prussia laughed.
“Will do.”
“Good. Now, if that’s all...I have a boss to beat!” Canada sighed.
“There’s more...” He admitted. This would be when America goes insane.
”Oh? Then spill,” He said. He was now entering his boss battle...a scarecrow.
“I’m kind of ....p-pregnant...” He said, looking to the ground. America screamed.
So, who else hates character limits??? Tis was the best place I could cut it sadly, Part two of two is going up like, right after not too bad, right?