Family Fun 12/15

Aug 19, 2010 13:19

Title: Family Fun
Author: vampire_rogue/Starlight
Rating: Between PG-15 and R. Though there might be a few scenes that should be NC17. I'm not fully sure.
Pairings: Albus/Scorpius, Draco/Harry, Lorcan/Lysander, James/Hugo, Teddy/Victorie(past)
Summary: The Extended Weasley Family Reunion draws near and the Malfoy-Potter household is in full chaos as everyone is getting ready for it. During the coming weeks it wont just be the reunion they have to deal with.
Warnings: Twincest, cousincest, sexytimes, boylove, creature!lore, disgusting cuteness, randomness and possible psychoness and semi-crack at parts.
Beta: I need one. I've gotten better at all the grammar/spelling stuff I personally believe, but I know I've probably missed a lot. I would love it if someone wanted to volunteer...
Author's Rambles: This was started for Cheryl Dyson/dysonrules for her birthmonth last year(2009), but it never got finished. I used all the prompts from last year, and the year before as well as some she gave me personally. There will eventually be a post of them on my lj. She is amazing and I adore her. This is not amazing, but it was mostly sooo much fun to write. I finished it in March and have been rewriting it all of May. It is complete and if everyone approves, I can update it weekly, or biweekly, we'll see...
Disclaimer: If you recognize it, I don't own it. Though I do own the members of "Dysfunction." I kind of want to write their own story after this.
Rambles #2 Also, please, please not the warnings and pairings. I know they are not everyone's thing, but they were the fandom's suggested ships, and I just added them all.
Feedback: Is absolutely amazing and I love it.
Story Word Count: 50, 00+

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.

Family Fun/Birthmonth
Part Twelve.

Monday, July 7, 2025.

Lily woke up mostly refreshed. Her nightmares played in the back of her mind, and she carefully shook them off. But when she packed her shoulder bag, she added her black and green diary. The one she kept her nightmares in.

The tent was quiet, only the faint sound drawing her attention to her woken family in the kitchen.

"Lily," Her dad greeted her when she came into the brightly light kitchen.

"Hey, Daddy," she said. "Where is Draco?"

"Behind you," the blond acknowledged and Lily smiled up at him.

"Do you want my diary?" she asked and Draco nodded. "Okay," she agreed. She took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay," she said again. "The thing is, there are a few pages... like, only a couple, but you cannot read them. I have them warded from anyone else, and I'd like to keep it that way." Lily flushed as red as her hair.

"Okay," Draco agreed. "We will leave those pages along, unless we need them."

"Thank you," she said and pulled the diary out of her bag. Her fingers flexed around it securely, before she handed it over to him.

Harry one armed hugged her, placing a breakfast plate in front of each of them.

Teddy walked in with a muted greeting and kissed Lily's cheek as he sat beside her, sliding her plate in front of himself.

The red head scowled, smacking him upside the head as she stole her plate back. Teddy still grinned as he ate a slice of her bacon.

"What's her name?" Lily asked and Teddy paused, starring at her.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"The girl you were seeing in America. What was her name?"

"No girl," Teddy denied.

"Not anymore," Lily agreed. "But you're thinking about her."

"How do you... what... what makes you think this?" Teddy corrected quickly but Lily still heard it, and still smirked.

"Because I know you. You're always tactile with me, but with the boys, it is only if you're love sick or something silly."

"Hardly," Teddy scoffed. "Maybe I just missed them, and am making up for lost time?"

"You hugged Draco yesterday," Lily argued.

"You are going crazy," Teddy insisted.

"Possibly," Lily smirked, purposely not thinking about her nightmares. "But you're still thinking about this girl. A lot."

"Alright," Harry interrupted. "Eat your breakfast and shut up, you can interrogate each other later."

"Sir, yes sir!" They saluted sloppily and Harry rolled his eyes at them. He left the kitchen to fetch James for breakfast and smiled when Lily spoke up again.

"You know, of course, I could apparate home, dig through your things, hire an American investigator," she threatened. "Find out absolutely every thing there is to possible to know about this girl, and then relate all these facts to you in the form of sisterly concern."

"You wouldn't," Teddy argued.

"No, I would," Lily smirked. "But you're my brother, so I like to give you the courtesy to tell me these things first, before I have my own fun."

"Stay away from her, Lils," Teddy hissed down at her, and Lily smirked.

"I'm a Slytherin, dear Teddy, but I'm a Potter, and you should know all about challenging a Potter. If you don't," she cast a grin at Draco. "I'm sure Draco can fill you in, he helped raise the lot of us after all."

"Challenging a Potter, Teddy," Draco shook his head in mock horror. "That is not something you ever want to actually try."

"Draco," Teddy frowned at him, and his red hair turned a shocking shade of white, to match Draco's own. "Do not encourage the little devil. She needs to remember she is not always going to get her way."

"Maybe not willingly," Lily argued. "But I'll always get what I want in the end. And maybe I'll be nice, and let you believe you want me to get my way." Her smirk was viscous as she shovelled eggs into her mouth.

"Bloody morning," James growled as he slouched into the seat beside Draco. The older blond turned his head and stared directly at the quidditch player. James sighed, and straightened himself, shoulders still slumped.

"Why didn't you wake Al and Score as well?" James complained, reaching for his drink. Harry and Draco glanced at each other, holding the look for a moment, then Harry looked back at James.

"We believed it would be best to let them sleep in this morning."

"Uh huh," James grumbled. "That means they're probably shagging and you don't want to walk in on them."

"That could be a possible explanation," Draco agreed, looking slightly green. He did not like to think of his children doing such things, regardless of their age and the length of their relationships.

"It would only be fair, of course," James argued. "That we made them get out of bed as well."

"If you really want to barge in on them, James Sirius, then be my guest, but I won't hear any exaggerated tales of your scared eyes." Harry levelled James with a look and the red head scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I was just going to bang on their door and cause lots of noise to draw them out."

"Please refrain," Harry said.

"Fine, fine." James stretched, yawning. "Does Grandma have any thing planned for today? Because it looks like it would be a nice day to play quidditch."

"Nothing that I know of until later," Harry answered, looking out the kitchen window at the mid morning clear blue sky. It would be a good day for quidditch. Maybe he could talk Draco into some one on one games.

"I'll get the brooms," Draco smiled as he cleared away his plate. Harry beamed up at him, and Lily whooped.

"Can I play beater?" she asked.

"Only if we're playing on the same team," James insisted.


Lily yawned, hours later as she dragged her sore body back to their tent. She stored her broom and showered quickly before throwing herself onto her bed. She fell asleep immediately, a smile on her face. The smile did not last long.


The line up outside the building was the same as any other night, though slightly less then on Saturday nights when the crowd was it's busiest. Pedestrians walked passed the crowded yard, and stared at the crowd. They would not see the group for what they really were, and would go on their way assuming it was a end of the school year house party, and that was preferably to the muggles noticing the kaleidoscope of people that loitered outside the gray building.

The brunette yawned, scanning the outside crowd for anyone interesting, but there wasn't any one. She had no interest in any of the already intoxicated witches and wizards that waited to get in. She waved at the bouncer, and walked back into the main club room, ordering a drink. The band was already playing, and Alex winked at her as he sung his own words.

A black haired young man sat at the bar a few feet away from her, looking as bored as she felt. She grinned over at him when he looked up. The young man raised his glass to her, and she returned the favour, beckoning for a refill. If she was not going to enjoy herself sober, then she might as well do it drunk.

The young man laughed, and finished his drink. "It is hardly the same, isn't it?" he asked and she nodded, knowing what he was talking about.

"I keep expecting to see them."

"Yes, I know. I only came for the bands set really, then I am planning to go."

"I'm barely staying that long," the brunette admitted. "I'm opening the store tomorrow morning, but I have to be here for support, always."

"They do well," he informed her. "Even without him around riling the crowd.

"Oh I am well aware of that," she smirked up at him. He was barely taller then her.

The band changed into another song, and she realized the set was coming to an end. It was never the same set twice, the band made sure of that even with their limited number of songs, but since she'd helped arrange this on, she could tell.

She shook her head, placing her glass on the bar to be cleaned up. "I'm heading back home," she said in way of good bye.

"Let me escort you," he offered. She raised a dark eye brow at him, and he raised his hands defensively. "Only because there are any number of people who would slice off body parts should any thing happen to you," he deflected.

She nodded, and glanced to the stage, waving when she caught the singers attention. He blew her a kiss as he sang and she laughed, letting the young man beside her walk her out of the main bar room.

"It feels like so many people tonight," she spoke over the music.

"They do seem to have more energy then normal," he agreed, looking at the withering bodies around them.

They had just reached the main door when they heard it, when they felt it. An explosion, rocking the foundation of the building. They heard screams, male and female, and then she smelt the smoke. She was being pushed out of the building even as she turned to look. Wild eyes stared back at her, before taking in the damage. Smoke was rising, and the roof looked collapsed in.

He pushed her further away from the building, shouting any protection spell he could think of. No one on the front yard had their wands out yet, they were all shouting in horror, in astonishment, as the bouncers tried to get them away from the building.

"No!" She whispered, "Fucking NO!" She pushed passed him, rushing for the building, and he grabbed her arm, pulling her to a stop.

"DON'T!" he shouted. "Don't! You need to get Albus! Get Albus now!" Then he was running back into the building, swearing and coughing, and she apparated immediately. The address was one she was less familiar with, but she needed to find Al.

"ALBUS!" she screamed when she reappeared, the night are being rocked with its own explosions.

"ALBUS!" she screamed again.


“LILY!” It was Al's voice shouting her name as she thrashed. He was on her bed, trying to hold her down. “LILY! LILY WAKE THE FUCK UP!”

“ALBUS!” She screamed again, and jolted into a sitting position, her head smashing into Al's nose.

“Shit, fuck, ow!” he said as he lifted one hand to cradle his nose. “You have a fucking hard head.”

Lily stared straight at him, horror in her deep green eyes.

“Al?” She asked as she blinked at him. Albus nodded head head, rubbing his nose.

“Yah, Lils,” he said.

“Oh, my God, oh my God.” Shaking, she wrapped her arms around him, repeating herself as she buried her head in his shoulder. “Oh my God.”

It was only then that Lily was able to focus on the room, to hear the arguing, yelling, voices just outside her bedroom. Her father, and her grandmother.

“I have the right to know what is wrong with my granddaughter!” Molly Weasley shouted angrily.

“She's FINE, MOLLY!” Harry shouted back. “A nightmare, and NOT something to be harassed about. Kids have them all the time.”

“Nightmares don't have kids screaming for their siblings Harry Potter! Mine certainly never did!”

“Molly,” Harry's voice was tight with the anger he was having trouble controlling. His temper was still as bad as legends had it but he had slightly more control over it now. “Lily will be fine, but I'd like to check on my daughter and confirm that, with out having you upset her.”

“She's my granddaughter,” Molly hissed. “You can't keep her from me.”

“I never have, nor will I ever have the intention to keep my children from you, Molly. But right now, all you will do is upset her.”

“Ginny would want me to see her,” Molly sniffed bitterly.

“Ginny's dead.”

Molly gasped her shocked outrage, but Harry continued on.

“Ginny is dead, and she has been dead for eighteen years, Molly. I know you love her, so do I, we always will, but life has moved on and you need to step away and let me deal with my children.”

“If you loved her, you wouldn't have gotten together with HIM!.” She sniffed her distaste and Harry's voice got lower.

“My relationship with Draco is none of your goddamned business and has nothing to do with loving your daughter. You should be glad that they have two loving parents, irregardless of how if happened. Now leave my tent, and let me take care of my family.”

“Harry!” Molly's voice sounded pleading but Harry stood firm.

“We will talk later.”

The front door slammed shut behind the elder Molly Weasley, and Harry sighed deeply, regretting losing his temper with his former mother in law. Arms reached around him, and Harry turned his head into Draco's neck, taking comfort from his presence.

"I'm sorry I make you go to these things with me," he whispered softly, so that Al and Lily could not hear him.

"I would never let you come alone, with her at the wheel Harry."

"You don't like her any more when she likes you," Harry mused.

"She's never given me any reason to really like her, and she will never see me as anything other then a cheap replacement for her daughter."

"You're not," Harry said instantly, looking up into Draco's gray eyes.

"I know."

"I mean it Draco. You are in no shape or form a replacement for Ginny."

"I know." Draco kissed him lightly, hugging him again. "The thought hasn't crossed my mind in well over fifteen years. I love you, Harry."

"I love you too."

"Care to check on our daughter?" Draco asked, the black and green diary in his hands. Harry nodded and led them into her bedroom. Lily was still sitting up in her bed, her arms wrapped around Albus. Green eyes looked up at them, and she shook off the last of her tension, reaching for her notebook.

"Lily?" Harry asked. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"I think I have to," she admitted. She looked down at the notebook, then at her covered window. "They all heard me, didn't they?"

Harry and Draco hesitated and Lily sighed.

"They did," Albus admitted to her. "Most of them, likely, and the rest will hear about it in no time."

"Damnit," she whispered, her voice hurt from screaming.

"We cast silencing spells as soon as we realized," James said from the bedroom door. Score and Teddy were behind him.

"But it wasn't soon enough." Lily let go of Albus, rearranging herself on her bed, so there was more room. She pulled Albus with her before latching onto him again. Score sat next to Al, James and Teddy extending the bed to give them room to sit as well.

“I was at Paranoid,” she said slowly. “Dysfunction was playing.” Draco took notes carefully. “Jayden was there, but I couldn't see anyone else. The atmosphere felt... off almost. Too chaotic, too much energy. The band was finishing, and I wanted to go home, Jay offered to escort me so that nothing happened to me. Too many people would be willing to make people bleed if something happened, so I agreed. We were in the door way when it happened. The explosion.”

Al sucked in a breath and both Score and Lily squeezed his arm. “The ground shook, and people were screaming. Jay... pushed me out of the building, but I tried to go back in. He told me to get you instead and then he ran back inside.”:

Albus nodded, and leaned over to kiss her forehead, pushing her damp red hair away from her forehead. “I need to call Whyte,” he said and slid forward, letting Score scoop Lily up.

“It was just a dream,” Lily whispered.

“Maybe,” Albus looked hesitant, unsure. “But I should check in anyway.”

“My dreams... they're just nightmares!” She turned, looked pleadingly at her fathers. “Right?”

“I don't know,” Harry said. “I want to say so, but this one... it was really detailed Lily. You knew the place, and something happened to it. You knew the people in the place. I can understand Albus being concerned. It is his place.”

“It won't happen, Dad,” Lily whispered, trying to convince herself as well. “Al takes far too much care of Paranoid.”

“But you said it was different,” Score whispered. “What if Al's not there looking after it.”

“It's not going to come true,” Lily insisted. “It's just a nightmare, just like every single one of those entries in this book!” She waved the book in question at them, before sighing. “It better just be a nightmare.”

Draco took the diary back, and flipped through pages, not really reading entries, but looking.


It took pleading from Harry for Lily to agree to leave the tent and have dinner with everyone else that night. But when she finally agreed, after word from Al that Paranoid was in one piece, she kicked them out of her room. Getting dressed was an issue that night. She couldn't wear her normal clothes, she had to look unapproachable and cold. Her black jeans fight snuggly, and her dark green shirt had silver letters across the front, proudly portraying the word “Slytherin”. She darkened her eyeliner and painted her nails dark green. She tightened a silver chain around her neck, before adding three looser ones. It was close to the outfit she planned to wear to the concert, for an entirely different reason. The Gryffindors would look at the bold statement to her house for the past seven years, and turn away to whisper. It was better then them coming up to her to talk.

Lily brushed through her tangled red hair and left her bedroom. Al walked pasted her and grinned. “Like the shirt, sister.”

“I know you do,” she said. “It is why you have one of your own.”

“Exactly. Ready for dinner.”

“Nope,” she said, popping the p sound.

“Trying for extremely obnoxious?”

“Yessem,” she said.

“Rather stay inside and play inquisition with James and his relationship?”

“I always wanted to be a general inquisitor.”

“Dinner time!” James looped one arm through both his brother and sister's arms, smiling at them.

Lily and Al glanced at each other, and then at James.

“What are you so bloody happy about?” she demanded.

“It's a complete personality change since before we got here.”

“Almost like... he is not broken.”

“We have the technology,” Albus boomed. “We can fix him!”

“I think he's been fixed. Tell me James what-”

“Sod off you prats!” James laughed and ran out of the tent.

“Pod person,” Albus said solemnly.

“Pod person,” Lily agreed.

“It is a very good copy then,” Scorpius said from behind them. “He seems exactly like James, just, not sulking.”

“Hmm, interesting.”

Harry and Draco and Teddy walked into the front room then. “Where's James?” Harry asked.

“That's a good question,” Albus admitted. “Tell me, Father, how long have you been secretly building a pod person of James? And are you eventually planning to replace us all with pod people?”

“If James was a pod person, son, you would never be able to figure it out.”

“Good to know, old chap!” Albus acknowledged and dodged the playful smack. “Why haven't we had him arrested on child abuse yet?”

“Because you are not a child,” Harry countered. Father and son grinned at each other.

Lily followed Al and Score to the table they had commandeered, sitting across from her brothers. Two blonds sat on either side of her, smiling up at her. The twins nodded to Al and Score, and her brothers left to fetch their dinner.

“Explain,” she demanded of them.

Lysander shrugged. “Even if you weren't already ours,” he said. “You're Al's and thusly ours anyway.”

“So, we're playing bodyguard to your Slytherin self.”

“Besides,” Lysander smirked. “Green looks amazing on us.”

Both blond twins were wearing black trousers and dark green long sleeved shirts. Lysander's fedora was black, and the pin thin stripes the same dark green as his shirt.

People stared, they knew people would, but no one approached Lily. No one mentioned her screaming for Albus directly to her, and Lily had seen James only threaten one red head half way through dinner, before rejoining them at their table.

Harry spent dinner looking uncomfortably. Grandma Molly kept shooting him angry glances from where ever she was, and Draco adopted a bored expression that Lily knew he used whenever he was uncomfortably.

George glanced around the gathered family members, and shook his head. The tension was suffocatingly thick. Most everyone was staring at little Lillian Potter, and the rest were asking Harry intrusive questions about his daughter.

Glancing over at Fred; the sharp instant longing for his twin something he was used to, he smiled when his son looked up and smiled back. George nodded at the Burrow discreetly, and Fred glanced at his mother, making sure she wasn't noticing, before ducking away to meet his father.

“Have you got something awesome?” he asked and George laughed, ruffling his sons hair.

“Don't I always?” he asked and Fred smiled.

“Well, there was that one time,” he said.

“Alright smart ass, just help me with these.” George waved a couple large parcels at his son, and Fred obliged easily, lifting the heavy objects.

“Do you think Lily's alright?” He asked, glancing at his father in concern.,

“I think Harry and Draco will see to it that she is,” George admitted. “And if they can't make it right, then Teddy, and James, and Albus and Scorpius will do what they can.”

“The twins too,” Fred said. “They protect everything that is Al's. And Hugo, he and Lily were always close, even if James was his best friend.”

“That's a tight nit group to protect Lily,” George agreed. He arranged the items they'd carted into a grassy field, well away from the reunion.

“Lily can protect herself as well,” Fred mused. He glanced back at the illuminated area, though he couldn't see anyone.

“Harry wouldn't let her out of the house unless she could.”

They were both sitting back at their tables, talking and laughing with whoever was around them, when the first of the fireworks went off, leaving a trail of green and red in the dark sky.

The gasps filled the air as the second went off, a brightly lit dragon racing across the sky.

The crowd cheered as the fireworks slowly became more and more extravagant. Al half payed attention to the display and kept his attention on his family and his sister. Score relaxed beside him, his gray blue eyes drifting over the laughing faces. The Wheezes fireworks were a good distraction, he'd have to give George credit, it distracted everyone at least temporarily from Lily.

Hugo laughed and made to duck one of the flying dragons, bumping into James as he did so. The red headed Potter froze, his eyes going wide as he stared at Hugo. They were so very careful to not touch each other. Then he shook his head, muttered a quick sorry and looked purposely away. But Hugo's attention was caught, and he watched James' neck twitch, his red hair get picked up by the wind and James' blue eyes drift continuously back to Hugo.

Lily slipped to the other side of Lysander, letting the twins sit side by side as they were more comfortable with.

Lysander gave her a grateful smile, and went back to playing bodyguard.

Lily smiled as another firework split the sky. Her smile vanished with the scream that followed it.


It was Diane.


.pairing: james potter/hugo weasley, .pairing: draco malfoy/harry potter, .fanfiction, .pairing: albus severus/scorpius malfoy, .fic harrypotter - birthmonth/familyfun, fandom: harrypotter, .pairing: lorcan/lysander scamander

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