Apr 14, 2004 10:36
Last night was so fun or at least the last part of it was. for the first part me and Josh and D went to go pick up some girls from Los Al, after that we planed to go to Tommy Balls party but the party got rooled at like 9, so all we did was sit in the albersons parking lot waiting for Big Chink, or Ewon to most. Then after we got their we met Robert and Lonnie and Eric and his friend at the park by my house, the girls then argued with Robert and all them about letting them have vodca. After awhile i finnaly convinced the guy to let the girls have vodca, but then the girls decided they where to mad to want any, anwho skiping like 45 mins we ended up at McDonalds.
Well from their we ate like 10 cheesburgers, then went outside to find like 15 909 bitches their with their raised truck. We then started to cream at them and tell thme to go back to riverside. So this of course got them mad, and as they where leaving they threw a soda at joshes car, and speed off, this is where the high speed pursuit began. Alright jushes car is like a shitty minivan, and the truck had like a v8 in it, so their was no chance of us catching them. But we stillt ried to catch them for like 5 kins then gave up, After that Joshes Car and Erics car pulled over in some rim places parking lot, then talked. As we where talking, we saw a truck passin us, robert then threw his mcFlurry at it, and when the mcFlurry had already left his hand we realized it was the wrong car, it missed the car by like 3 fett, but the guy realized we threw it and was trying to make a u turn, so we speed off folowing eric and ended up at a park. We chilled their for like 15 mins then eric and everyone in his car went to lonnie and me and D went home. Whoa fun night