Fic, Title: Nonstandard Deviation (1/?), Fandom: Primeval

Feb 25, 2010 17:21

Helen stepped up to the anomaly and looked through it as she’d long since trained herself to do. There, she could see… but there were… Images were flickering past her, too rapid to see context, just fast enough to know that they were there: Connor catching a man who’d been thrown by a dinosaur; Stephen, black-eyed and bloodthirsty, fighting an excolinuusta with his bare hands; Abby with spikes coming from one shoulder and scaled claws on the corresponding arm; Becker aiming a gun that appeared to be loaded with fire and lightning; Danny Quinn-not the one she’d just met, she somehow knew-opening his eyes while a gunshot wound to his chest healed in seconds; and on and on, too fast for her to keep up.

Helen looked back over her shoulder at Quinn, who gestured for her to go forward. With no other path, Helen stepped through the anomaly.

Inside the anomaly, the images were clearer, but no less rapid. There were Connor and Becker, Becker’s protective arm around the young man leaning toward the possessive; Claudia Brown, or someone who looked very much like her, sniping a velociraptor from a garage roof where the anomaly must have been located; Abby singing into a microphone, Connor reading quietly in the corner of Nick’s office at the university, Stephen  at what looked like boot camp, Becker moving the strings of a marionette, Ryan in an infirmary arguing with a man who appeared to be a medic, Abby and Connor, Nick and Stephen, Danny and Sarah, Stephen and Abby, Connor and Becker, different, different, different, too many worlds… And there were some where there were no humans, she could see that, but smoke still clogged the air and blue-furred, mouthless centaurs murdered their own-

There was no way to direct her travel; she just stepped out of the anomaly at the other end-

-Into a place she never thought she’d see again.

character: helen cutter, character: danny quinn, fandom: primeval

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