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Mar 01, 2011 13:41

gabriel!doctor: Hair of the Dog, Blood of the Doctor

Mar. 1st, 2010 at 1:41 PM

Dr. Gray:

He was right. Of course he was right, the fucker. Dr. Mohinder I-Know-It-All Suresh was right, and I don’t have a place to live. My nice apartment is full of drug dealers with half a dozen pit bulls. If I hadn’t had Eden’s power, they’d have kicked the shit out of me. I need more. I can’t be defenseless like this. It’s not like it worked on the damn dogs.

It worked on the bartender though, which is why I have half a bottle of JD on my table, and one glass. It’s all mine, and I am on my way to feeling no pain. I pull my ankle up on my knee, inspecting the hole the dog bit through my jeans, and grimacing at the dried blood sticking to my sock. Biting my lip while I do it, I tugged the sock down to inspect the bite. It’s not deep, but with my current state of luck I’ll need rabies shots.

Unscrewing the cap on the Jack, I pour a bit of it over the bite and swear through gritted teeth. “I should go to the ER. I’m a fucking doctor. I know that. This is stupid, Gabriel.”

I hated to leave the bottle behind. I mean it’s not like I paid for it, but it was mine. I’d have to be a little more sober as it was to get the proper treatment in the ER. Then I’d use it to get a job at the hospital too and a place to live. Yep more and more thankful everyday that I bashed Eden’s skull in.

The night was cold, and my breath steamed as I headed toward the hospital, limping as I went. My ankle hurt like a son of a bitch, and it was probably bleeding again too.

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