So... it's been a while since I posted, hasn't it? XD;; It's funny how life can sneak up on you sometimes.
First off, a great big thank you to
kotzok for all of the lovely goodies, and especially the drawing. Yeah, I know that I already told you thanks. But guess what, I'm doing it again. XD
And thanks,
plotbunny_tiff, for the Valentine. <3
I finally got the tickets to the
New York Comic Con that is coming up this weekend. I wasn't sure if I'd attend, but once I found out that Colbert, Jim Butcher, Timothy Zahn, and others would be there, I caved. When am I ever going to get a chance like that again? So it looks as though I might finish up my doujinshi!Ace cosplay outfit and wear it to the con just for the hell of it. Is anybody else going to this one?
I'm also seriously debating going to
Yaoi-Con this year. I mean, it would be a total blast, but the only thing that would hold me back at this point is the fact that I don't want to go by myself. I guess I'll just have to wait and see if I can hook up with other people or something.
So plus those, I'm also doing
Tekkoshocon and
Otakon this year. Dear goodness these things are addicting. XD