"When I get a case that requires someone driving his father to alcoholism, I'll call you."

Nov 22, 2009 00:36

I managed to get 2 Arceus at Toys R Us last Saturday. Mwa ha ha.

A co-worker of mine needed hours, so I ended up getting last Saturday off. The possibility of babysitting Paige and Reid was brought to my attention at some point last week, but my cousin called and said he had a fever and a headache, so it seemed like the whole deal was off. Not so! She asked us to babysit regardless, because he "didn't have anything contagious", so Mom and I went up there and stayed with the kids for about 6 hours while their parents went to some party. We feared that he would be throwing up by the time we got there and their parents just wanted to go to their bleedin' party, so they had us come... Reid felt a bit hot, but he wasn't sick at all. He kept me busy most of the night doing usual toddler stuff. You know, reading his books to him, playing with his toys, chasing him around the house, and giving him horsie rides. The last item was revealing to me: After nearly six months at Target, my back is strong enough to not ache to high hell after 8 hours of bagging groceries and lifting heavy shit, but it'll be damned if it can carry a toddler of normal weight for 15 minutes without complaining unmercifully. I also taught him a number of new phrases: Arsebiscuits, "giggity", arse barns, Cat Flanges, Knob Monkeys, Vitameatavegamin, and many others that a 3-year old should probably not know. But I also got him to say "I love you" to me, so that balances it. Hee hee hee. I didn't do much with Paige because I was busy with Reid, though I did give her one of the Arceus I acquired (and yes, I got one just for her. So there.) and tried to help her defeat the Elite Four in Pokemon Platinum. It didn't work thanks to some horrible trickery by the Champion, but Paige will figure it out, I'm sure. Cor blimey I needed to see them. I missed getting hugs and kisses from Reid, and Paige is always fun to talk to (she laughs at all my dumbass jokes, even if she doesn't understand half of them) and play with. The last time I saw them was two months ago, when I skipped LIT 371. GAH. I hate being busy. Doom requires far more time to see the kids.

Either that or I need to start having my own.

Rammstein's "Liebe ist Fur Alle Da" is their new one, and any fan can tell you we've been waiting four years for this one. I wasn't quite sure what to expect with this release, but the moment I started listening, it took any expectations I had and kicked the shit out of them. "Rammlied" is a headbanging number that hearkens back to their earliest works (kicking it up about a million notches); "Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da" is a fast, relentlessly aggressive song; "Pussy" is their standard naughty song with lyrics that are unapologetic and extremely raunchy... it also happens to be one of the album's highlights, with its delightfully playful cadence and familiar pacing. It's also just plain funny as hell. The only song to give a miss is "B*******"; it's decent, but slow to the point of being obnoxious, and death metal growlyness doesn't really work for Rammstein as much. Overall, an album well worth waiting for. I've also picked up "Njord", Leaves' Eyes long overdue new release. The entire album is suitably epic and symphonic; "Njord" could be the background music for one of those planet-destroying Final Fantasy bosses or summons; "Ragnarok" is bombastic and doom-ish to the point of being terrifying (and earth-shatteringly awesome); "Emerald Isle" and "Northbound" recall their previous albums' epic tales of Norse adventures. My only qualm is that the album is a tad overproduced; it's rather hard to tell what they're singing because Liv is almost drowned out by the grandiose symphonies, guitars and drums, and Leaves' Eyes lyrics can be nebulous to begin with. Still, once you get past the "I have no idea what's going on here", the entire album is amazing, and a logical evolution to Leaves' Eyes epic sound. I've also picked up Dethklok's "Dethalbum II", I just haven't gotten around to listening to it.

As for new bands, I liked the sound of Epica, so I bought their latest release. I can't remember half the album, though I do like what I do remember. For some asinine reason, my CD player has serious trouble reading the last two songs on the album. Piece of crap. A random notice on Amazon directed me to the Polish metal group Unsun and their debut album "The End of Life". I liked what I heard; I got quite lucky with this lot. They are indeed metal, but with a rather clean and pop-ish sound. They have plenty of strong songs: "Whispers" and "Indifference" are excellent, and also begin and end the album with a kick, respectively. "Lost Innocence" and "Take Me To Heaven" are powerful, yet rather sad. So there.

I was looking at a few game descriptions on Amazon a while back, and this tidbit came up under Ratchet Future: "For some unknown reason the evil Cragmites hate Lombaxes of which Ratchet is the sole living survivor. The last two words are the key to my vexation: Living Survivor. I would HOPE survivors are "living"... I don't much care for Zombie survivors. And don't give me any crap about "Well thar could have been survivors of some horribleness past, but now they's dead." Well they're not survivors any more! They're dead as toast! So I don't want to hear this phrase used evar again, under pain of death. Also, whoever wrote this could use a comma. And some basic grammar lessons. I'm just sayin'.

Why is it that once I leave the front end at Target, I can find nary a shred of competence in my fellow employees? I'd been looking to buy the new Jak and Daxter game, which our ad stated should have been in by 11/4 at 4:00. I looked that day, at least one of our Electronics guys told me that it hadn't come in yet; I bear him no grudge, as he's proven himself quite helpful and competent. Two other times I've just gone back and looked, and nothing's been out. Last Sunday night I went back to look, still nothing, but I figured I'd ask because THREE of our Electronics guys were standing around chatting. One of them went to look in the case and at the PS2 wall, despite seeing me peruse them quite thoroughly just moments earlier. One of them failed to find it by spelling it wrong in his PDA, then the third said "We probably don't have it". They seemed irritated by me mentioning the ad bit, but the ETL for the area came over, I explained the situation, and he found it in the PDA/stockroom immediately and got me a copy.

What gets me is they were giving me that same "Do I have to do work now?!" attitude I got from the guy at Gamestop who more or less refused to help me one time a while back. Fuck me in the Ozarks, if I pulled that crap at Toys R Us I would've been fired out of a cannon, and if I did it here, I'd get sporked in the nethers. Repeatedly. It annoys the piss out of me because I always busted my ass finding any game a customer was searching for, and I still bust my arse trying to help them find whatever they came for. Even if we don't have it, I'll find it for them to the best of my abilities. Yes, it requires a bit of extra effort, but holy shit, it is NOT that hard. Damn kids.

I thought I'd mention briefly a few obnoxious customer types that have been causing me much rage: 1. People who put their dollars, change, and/or coupons on the belt. You idiots do realize that the belt will not hesitate to swallow this stuff? I guess not. It's been happening so much lately that I'm ready to just let the belt engulf their change, then saying "Sorry, I can't get it out. Next time, don't put it there. I still need $X.XX...". Dumb assholes.

2. Someone on Tuesday came through with a bunch of those reusable bags... that she had already packed. DO NOT DO THIS. EVER. If you don't like how we bag your crap, do it yourself AFTER I have rung it all through. It takes so much goddamn longer to process your order when you've crammed it all into bags already, because I have to take it all out, scan it, then shove it up your arse one thing at a time cram it back into the bags.

3. This is as bad, if not worse than the people who very visibly rearrange their bags next to my register after we're done. That's some serious passive-aggressive bullshit. Again, bag it yourself if you don't like how we do it. I try to be careful, but I can't precisely predict your neurotic requirements for stacking cans, yogurt and produce. Shitheads.

Also, whatever nasty bastard keeps leaving dirty diapers in the carts... I'm going to find you, and make you eat them. You vile pig, there are garbage cans everywhere in the goddamn store. Twice in two days, and it was the exact same type of diaper. I'll bet it was the same filthy fuck. UGH. I don't want to catch whatever diseases your nasty baby has. PIGS.

Tuesday night's news showed a viral video of a group of shithead children mugging people and making no attempt to hide their identities. They pushed people off their bicycles or tackled them. This may be staged for some sort of "laugh" or something, but still. I wish they had tried that shit with me. I don't cycle, and since they telegraphed their moves with their howler monkey calls, I would have been more than ready. And you know what would've happened to some skinny little ghetto shit tackling me? He would have liquified against me. And I still would have stomped the shit out of the puddle that was left of him. You know, to teach him a lesson. It probably was staged, but it doesn't matter. These walking hand jobs need to learn that they can't get away with this kind of crap. I would love to see what happens to the punk-ass little queef who tries any of this clever bullshit on the wrong person. The follow-up scene would be a forensic investigator vomiting into a bag after seeing what's left of them.

And look at the big video still on the right of the screen. Look at that fucker's mouth. Holy hell, kid. I hope you have that lower lip insured. Maybe it wouldn't be so big and dangly and... hideous... if you weren't such a primitive mouth breather. I mean, damn. It's like women who don't wear bras; you get that fried-egg hanging from a nail effect because gravity works its magic on them. If you don't shut your mouth once in a while, your big-ass lip is gonna get dragged down by gravity, and you'll drool and look like a dumb ass the rest of your life. Damn.

LordAmanthudus: Halt! Prepare to be prodded and assimilated
Ainedearbhail: I'll spit beer at you
LordAmanthudus: Beer is irrelevant
Ainedearbhail: it is not
LordAmanthudus: I think they should get the Borg drunk
LordAmanthudus: That'll be one of the Monarch's secret weapons. A mega phaser that fires the neurolytic equivalent of schnapps into the cube
LordAmanthudus: "that's the fuckin' party Cube now, Number One"
Ainedearbhail: rofl
LordAmanthudus: "Shall we proceed to blast them to shit anyways?"
LordAmanthudus: "Make it so!"
Ainedearbhail: KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LordAmanthudus: I think it would be most droll to see a cube full of drones stumbling around, hitting on the Queen. It would lead to some interesting morning-after incidents as well...
LordAmanthudus: "Four of Fifteen, Why is there a Parking Cone protruding from your rectal cavity?"
LordAmanthudus: "It's not a real party unless you get a traffic cone, Five of Seven. What I don't understand is where Two of Nine got the policewoman's helmet and suspenders."
LordAmanthudus: "Ish prollem witta *hic* Frozen bananer."
LordAmanthudus: Queen: "Whoever programmed the assimilation chamber to do Keg Stands is about to have their head assimilated to their ass."
Ainedearbhail: O_O
LordAmanthudus: "And who's hand is this protruding from the bosom of my Exoskeleton?!"
LordAmanthudus: Six of Twelve: *Sheepishly raises stump*
Ainedearbhail: lmao
LordAmanthudus: good lord, why am I not designing the neurolytic schnapps cannon?!
Ainedearbhail: you should get on that right away so we'll be prepared when the robots take over
LordAmanthudus: robots and borg are entirely different animals
LordAmanthudus: robots need liquor to survive. I just like the idea of the Borg getting slammed off their asses to see how fucking goofy they get
Ainedearbhail: that would be pretty funny to see
LordAmanthudus: cubes would be swerving around slamming into each other
LordAmanthudus: spheres would be spinning around like disco balls
LordAmanthudus: they would assimilate traffic cones and mongooses, then wake up with said cones and mongooses poking out of their various crevasses. Then the borg will learn not to only partially assimilate small vicious mammals
Ainedearbhail: O_O that would be a very awkward morning after

LordAmanthudus: lawl, circuits OF THE FUTURE
LordKalgalath: an 'isolinear opticalchip'
LordAmanthudus: isolinear plot device
LordKalgalath: that apparently goes into a datapad that uses PIRNTED CIRCUITBOARDS
LordAmanthudus: lolol
LordKalgalath: lolol
LordKalgalath: thats like putting a telegraph on a laptop
LordAmanthudus: You have to wonder if we still need to use the toilet in the future. There's like no one who ever uses the terlet in an ST episode... EVER
LordAmanthudus: lawl. I'd laugh if they had to send telegraphs
LordKalgalath: lol
LordKalgalath: no terlets. they have translinear matter-to-subspace anal implants
LordAmanthudus: lawl
LordAmanthudus: the Borgs probably have fecal recycling implants
LordAmanthudus: out one tube, in another
LordKalgalath: indeed
LordKalgalath: WAIT.
LordKalgalath: NO.
LordAmanthudus: no?
LordAmanthudus: no poop tubes?
LordKalgalath: Amino acid intake and waste removal ducts
LordAmanthudus: ah yes
LordKalgalath: plug and plop
LordKalgalath: lmao
LordAmanthudus: generally, all they have to do is plug into their regeneration cubicles for a regeneration cycle
LordAmanthudus: but you never see where they plug in
LordAmanthudus: "Now I have located what appears to be the recharge socket, but it does not appear to have the standard three-pin adaptor. The plug keeps falling out."
LordKalgalath: O.o
LordAmanthudus: hurrr
LordAmanthudus: it's probably the base of their spine, but I think it'd be funnier if the borg plugged into their regeneration things through their behinds
LordKalgalath: disturbing thought
LordKalgalath: You will be assimilated
LordAmanthudus: psh
LordKalgalath: you will be violated anally each time you rest.
LordAmanthudus: lawl
LordAmanthudus: they were violated plenty just having their tubes attached
LordAmanthudus: and having their recharge adaptors installed.
LordKalgalath: resistance only makes our coupling sockets more ready
LordAmanthudus: they probably have a specific tool in the assimilation chamber for that
LordAmanthudus: lmao
LordKalgalath: lol
LordAmanthudus: and I'll bet you it's called the Dreaded Rear Admiral
LordAmanthudus: "This device will install your recharge socket"
LordAmanthudus: "And where does it go?"
LordAmanthudus: "Bend over and grab your ankles."
LordKalgalath: lol

I must mention that Federation Models finally got a stock of Nova Hobbies Defiant class in, so I have ordered one two. They're fairly standard Nova Hobbies kits: generally decent with lots of detail, though the detail will require some cleanup. The first one seemed nice enough, so I've ordered another one. Along with a Bajoran fighter. And a "Nemesis" conversion kit for the Monarch; which consists of correct pylons WITH added phaser strips, a torpedo mechanism, some other doodlie, a correct deflector trench, and a modified secondary hull piece. And since my last postings, I have also acquired Nova's Constellation class, and Starcrafts Miranda class kit. Also, I traded an Airfix Avro Vulcan to my dad for his AMT/ERTL U.S.S. Reliant. And you'd better believe it's getting turned into a dreadnaught.

I managed to get a meeting with the Urban Teacher Program's main advisor on Friday. She was duly impressed that I had "done my homework" and was completely prepared to enter the program, with just about every pre-requisite met. Apparently, they don't see this much from entering students. Which doesn't really surprise me. At any rate, she's registered me for three UTP classes: Emergent Literacy, Pre-K and K Curriculum, and The Arts in Early Childhood. So... yeah. Officially, my journey to teaching begins in January.
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