Break has been one long period of fail, mostly.
I got sick on the first Saturday (two weeks previous) from some dumb bastard who was on the train the day before. A message to the bastard: Do you realize how dangerous it is for some people to get sick? Now, I'm sure you can't be bothered to keep your plague to yourself, being the big important business type you were... but if I ever find you, I will kill you. Fucking wiped me out for a week because you couldn't put down your cell phone for one minute to stop sniffling and breathing all over me. So yeah, thanks a steamy pantload, you greedy prick. I hope a Japanese giant hornet spits flesh searing acid all over your *censored* and builds a nest in the shriveled nutsack that replaced your brain when you got your prestigious major in "Business".
I still can't decide what is the worst about rhinovirus infections. The horrible runny noses, the plugged nose and sinuses that shift around as I sleep, the fact that I trip ballz when I try to sleep with any sort of illness, the fact that when I wake up I feel worse than when I went to bed, or the fact that it moves it into my chest and refuses to leave.
Thank heavens for Prednisone and Azithromycin. The former tastes like ass wrapped in leathery, burnt skin and makes me flushed, but it opens my lungs up like nothing else. The latter kills anything that takes advantage of my lungs swelling shut and filling with fluid. And given that is has the strength of 30 doses of conventional antibiotics, it's entirely appropriate to refer to it as the antibiotic equivalent of Mega Flare. Not the solar thing, Bahamut's thing. Yeah.
I can say, however, that taking even a standard regimen of Sudafed gave me the tremors. After I started taking the nebulizer treatments for my lungs, my knees turned to pudding. Everything else formed a stew of batshit insane in my system, and I half expected to sprout wings and fly across the galaxy to meet the Queen Mother, who would proceed to sing I'm a fuckin' bee, I'm a fuckin' bee!"
My lungs finally opened up on Sunday, but the drug stew remained in my system until this past Monday. And since then I've just felt like my batteries have been drained. Maybe I had been turned into a pharmie...
Christmas itself wasn't all fun and games either. After presents, I had to go back to bed, so I didn't get to go to my Aunt's. I did go to Grandma's... Reid was being adorable as usual, but everyone else had a stick up their arse, certain other people said unnecessary things (seriously, do you ever think "Maybe I oughta not say things like that"? Jaysus...) and Hope was being awful to Paige as usual. I swear, one of these days I'm just going to punch her... but I'd probably be the one in trouble.
Christmas also just doesn't feel the same as it used to. This year it didn't help that this cold just fucking wiped me out, so I couldn't do much of anything useful the whole week. It still beat the hell out of last year... there were no serious "incidents", and we didn't lose any bunnies to some asshole who will get the same punishment dictated to the bastard who got me sick, only far worse. Japanese hornets and bullet ants would be a mercy for that... word I have yet to invent to convey my rage.
Achtung, listen to me bitch. Well, with the bad comes the good. As usual, Reid was adorable and totally worth going to see, even if I couldn't breathe most of the time. Playing with him and getting a few hugs and kisses from the little bug was just what I needed.
-Legend Gundam Standard Release
Destiny Gundam Extreme Blast Version, Master Grade-(Tamiya) Tyrannosaurus Rex model
-Bullet Bill Nintendo miniature
-Revolution/Revolucion - Ill Nino
-Enigma - Ill Nino
-Finding Beauty in Negative Space - Seether
-Appeal to Reason - Rise Against
-A Practical Guide to Racism - C.H. Dalton
-I Am America, and So Can You! - Stephen Colbert
-Ghosts/Aliens - Trey Hamburger
-The Yiddish Policemen's Union - Michael Chabon
-Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky
-Urban Animals: A Comic Field Guide - Mireille Silcoff
-$25 Border's gift card
-$20 Barnes & Noble gift card
-$25 Target gift card (But it's from Target!)
-$15 Itunes gift card
-$30 happy smile face dollar bills
-A bag full of candy
captain_ioga came over Saturday night and gave me Watchmen and Volume Four and Five of Most Extreme Elimination Challenge.
a_bleeding_rose and I got together on Monday night, finally. She got me "Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them (With More Lies! And New Lying Liars!)" by Al Franken, and a $25 Gamestop card.
Rosie is now scared of me for some reason. Usually she can't stop herself from leaping up and trying to gnaw my face off ("OH HAY I KNO U!!" *BOUNCE BOUNCE BOUNCE*)... Monday night she seemed nervous of me. I had been playing with Shiva just before we came over;
a_bleeding_rose, perhaps she is scared of my bunneh? Hee hee hee...
I missed
captain_ioga's party this year, simply because Saturday night I was still completely loopy from all the drugs I've been taking. Buuuut we have plans for later this month.
blue_kitty_18 has been without intarwebs for months, I finally located her cell number and we've spent the last several days exchanging text messages. Thus, my phone was still on at 2 AM Sunday morning, and it rings. Some very obviously inebriated guy was calling for a cab from the 414 area code. I told him it was the wrong number, but he called again two minutes later. I ignored it, but now I regret not answering; the lulz potential of what could have happened were astronomical. "Yes, I'll send a cab right away. Stand on the corner with your pants on your head; that way I'll know it's you." or "Herro, thank you for call Shity Wok, take your order prease?" Bah. I suppose there will be other chances.
414 is the Milwaukee area, by the way. Ah, Beer Nuts: The Official Disease of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
I downloaded a new ringtone, though subscribing to some service for 10¢ a day seems like a rip-off to have to keep it. Whatever, I always end up with too much airtime. At any rate, I tested it out, and I had Yoshi on my bed at the time. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head, and he began scampering around thumping at me. A bit later, I went to answer a new message on the phone, and Yoshi leaped over and attacked it. So I played him my ringtone again, and he went batshit. Bunnies are fun to tease...
Despite everything, I have made progress in the modeling department. My Tigershark is nearly completely, all it needs is the canopy attached, decals and flat coat. The paint did not turn out nearly as well as I would've liked, but at this point I don't care anymore. It's as good as it's going to get... I've been working on this bastard since May '07 on and off. I'm also making progress on the Andromeda, though the lighting system finally decided it just plain didn't want to work at all. The ship will be impressive enough without some pissy lights in it. I also started my Foxbat. I have noticed that Hasegawa plane kits have the obnoxious habit of having their fuselage split vertically, which makes installing the pilot compartment a trial indeed. IS NOT FUNNY, JAPAN. It already needs putty, too. Toluene is awful, awful stuff...
My dreams have been absolute lunacy the past few nights. One night, I dreamed I was in France again, only this time I was crawling around on the foundation of the Eiffel Tower which was balanced on the Seine River. I managed to knock the whole damn tower over and fall into the river in one smooth motion. Yeah! Then I got kicked off a plane for ranting about how great some chicken they served us was. The next night, I was Chevy Chase and I had gotten into an argument with a gangster... then I had to fly around a parking garage in a spitfire shooting at his pimpmobile to defeat him.... the plane fell apart, so I had to use the plane's wings to flap over to the roof of this place... where we called a truce. The next night was a repeat of my Sound of music dream... through some Nazi scheme, one of the Von Trapp children had been murdered. The police were called in to solve this thing. The whole thing is too maniacal to recount, but at some point, Maria Von Trapp was in a Castlevania-esque chapel, yelling at God and denouncing Mother Superior. Also, Liesel and some Pat Boone type were fishing for bears in my living room with a tape measure. This was somehow relevant to solving the mystery. Telling you more than that would probably melt your brains.
Turns out, Moe was named after the little robot from WallE. Thus, I approve further... though Moe's fate has become somewhat contentious. His owner cannot keep him in her new place, so I dunno what's going to happen. If necessary, I suppose we could take him back and try to find him a new home. But what the fuck is up with all these places and their "no pets" rule? The only thing that strikes me as more of a bitter, petty-minded plot against society are places that have a "no children" rule. Yeah, children and pets can be noisy and disruptive, that's why you evict bastards who let their dogs bark for 8 hours straight or their children scream and stomp around on into the night because they're brain damaged creatures who would have become saber tooth tiger food before they left the womb in a just world... AGH. DUMB BASTARDS.
That is all for now.