Oct 30, 2008 23:31
Yeaaaaaahhhh... everyone here is a fantastic fucking idiot.
Last night, someone (and no one will admit to it nor tell me the whole story) let Yoshi out, but they did not place the barriers around George's cage. These barriers are necessary, or else the two of them will yank each other through the cage bars and commit horrible deeds. As testament to this, no one informed me that they had fought, or that someone had been bitten as a result of no barriers. Last night, I went to pester George, and I noticed something odd on his face. Turns out that the bite that no one told me about... Yoshi damn near yanked his lip off, and a bit of his upper lip was flapping loose. I thought it was just scabby and infected, but since George wouldn't let me see it, I didn't really know how serious it was.
Earlier tonight, dad finally thought maybe, just maybe, this was serious, so we ran him into the Emergency Pet Clinic in St. Paul. The doctor informed us that this bit of skin had turned necrotic, and would have to be snipped while George was anesthetized. Thus, it was done. And surprisingly, the surgery only took about 20 minutes, and we were able to leave with him less than two hours after going in.
But still. Two angsty hours wondering whether or not the necrosis had spread, whether or not there was an infection, and wondering whether or not he could tolerate anesthesia. George is home, and he's sitting in his cage giving me a dirty look, and he's been eating and hopping around, so it seems like he'll be fine. He still needs three separate medications: reglan for digestion, some sort of antibiotic, and a pain medication. Since he took the reglan without much fuss, playing doctor for him may not prove to be too difficult.
It did not help that on the release form was a "Resuscitate/Do Not Resuscitate" option for an emergency... if you really want to hit me in a sensitive spot... After last fall, and everything else, this is just... GAH. Universe, leave my pets alone, or I will have words with you.
The vet bill came to about $350, and I don't feel guilty about it for once. Maybe this will teach those slow-thinking dunderpates that their negligence has consequences. Maybe they'll fucking get it for once that they can't just let the bunnies/chins/birds out willy-nilly. Maybe they'll fucking remember not to let the boys out without setting up proper precautions against this sort of thing. But I'm not counting on it. Dumb bastards...