Japan has practically no superheroes, which is probably why Godzilla chose it as his jogging route.

Nov 19, 2007 14:38

I keep looking at Smokey's very empty cage and thinking "I should probably let her out", until I realize... "Ooooh, right... that." *sigh* Maybe that will change when we get Millie moved into it. And now, onto the bitching portion of this week's program ( Read more... )

models, games

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blue_kitty_18 November 19 2007, 23:33:29 UTC
I have never seen these Bonsai sandals.....I suppose I should be glad. You've never been to a beach, have you? Sandals are a beautiful thing on a beach because you don't burn your feet on the sand and the sand actually comes out of your shoe. I do agree that sandals should never be worn with socks though...I fail to see the point in that. If it's not warm enough to wear your sandals without socks...you shouldn't be wearing your sandals. If you're that self-conscious about the way your feet look, don't buy sandals. It's that easy.

Not all dreads look horrible. I went to school with a guy from Jamaica...his name was Yusef. Yusef and all 5 of his brothers had dreads (and you could seriously tell where they stood in birth order based on the length of their dreads). They all took very good care of their dreads. They washed them a couple times a week and kept them well oiled and had them twisted weekly to keep them neat. Dreads are like braids in the sense that they can look good if properly taken care of. Unfortunately, most people with "dreads" let them become what you have described (and what we refer to as "shitlocks") because they don't want to take the time and/or effort required to properly care for them.

I told you it was worth a shot to talk to your professor about the timing on that paper. It's good that he's accepting it as on time since you were waiting on him, rather than being a complete douchehat (I swear I didn't just come up with that word, there is a story behind it lol) and telling you that late is late regardless of the reason (as a few of my high school teachers did to me).


vampire_ninja November 20 2007, 02:56:53 UTC
I haven't been to a beach in years, except to collect diatoms. These look like someone skinned a pomeranian and lined the bottom of them with the fur. I mean, haven't they figured out that hair is primary reason that guy's pits smell so bad? I know it's the bacteria, don't try to argue the science with me! People only do that long pants and socks with sandals look because they think it's fashionable. People also think crocs and pants that say "Sperm bank" are perfect to empower their little girls. Yeah, they'll empower them right into dark alley with a strange man...

At least Jamaicans have the decency to do that for the most part... this guy was like... very light mixed with very long blond and brown shitlocks. I'm complaining about the american swine who wear dreads because it's some sort of fashion statement. Unfortuneatly, they are both secretion deposits and excratory banks for the hordes of writing insects contained within.

Kant would disagree, for it was my duty to turn it in on time and not make excuses... but I think Kant was an idiot, so there. "IIiiiimmannuel Kant was a real pissant who was very rarely stable..."


blue_kitty_18 November 20 2007, 07:40:49 UTC
Wait...like....fur-lined clogs? Ew? I think people who wear socks with sandals should be stabbed. I used to threaten to disown half of my high school's soccer team for doing that shit. It bugs me. LMAO those pants might as well say "sperm bank." That's another thing that bugs the shit out of me. It's bad enough seeing high schoolers and adults wearing pants that say "hottie" or "sexy" or some equally retarded word/phrase on them....but when you see that shit on 6-12 year old.....that's just asking for pedophilic attention. And people wonder why girls are getting pregnant so young....welcome to the sexualization of the young.

Ah yes, the man that thinks he's a Rasta, but is really just a retarded ass pothead. People like that should die. End of story.



vampire_ninja November 20 2007, 16:23:26 UTC
The site, it was in an LJ ad, so clicken zie hier at your own risk. I would disown half your soccer team anyways. Sports are irrelevant and should be place in a paper bag and shot.

Adults wearing "hottie" clothes are vile... and really, then they go and dress their 9 year olds up like Malaysian hookers and then bitch when Charlie Assfucker or Pervy McRaperston start stalking her... (see my Myspace rant for more on that.)

These guys/chicks all smell of pot and body odor, too. Or they would, if I didn't hold my breath when they walked past. A few close calls with their musks in the past have made that more of a reflex for me, now.

"Immanuel Kant was a real pissant
Who was very rarely stable.

Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
Who could think you under the table.

David Hume could out-consume
Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.

There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya
'Bout the raising of the wrist.
Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed.

John Stuart Mill, of his own free will,
On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill.

Plato, they say, could stick it away--
Half a crate of whisky every day.

Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle.
Hobbes was fond of his dram,

And René Descartes was a drunken fart.
'I drink, therefore I am.'

Yes, Socrates, himself, is particularly missed,
A lovely little thinker,
But a bugger when he's pissed."


blue_kitty_18 November 21 2007, 02:01:35 UTC
The half I'm referring to were friends of mine. And I used to play soccer....until my options were play soccer and not walk for a week afterwards, or stop playing soccer. And if sports are "irrelevant and should be placed in a paper bag and shot," the same could be said of martial arts, which is, in every form, in fact a sport. Yes, they serve a purpose outside of entertainment, but so does boxing...and that doesn't make it any less of a sport. Besides, I'm thinking people that play sports are better off than people who sit on their asses all day stuffing themselves with fast food until they become shapeless blobs of fat.

These are also the same people who blame MySpace when their kid goes out to meet someone they met online and ends up getting molested/raped/killed. Well maybe if you taught your kids a bit of fucking sense and taught them to keep themselves covered....I do not feel sorry for parents who become grandparents in their 30's because they couldn't teach their little girl to keep her clothes on and her legs closed. Nor do I think it's "cute" to see some 8 year old wearing clothes that say "sexy girl" or something equally stupid across them. That's asking for trouble, and when trouble comes, the parents act surprised. "I don't know why this person came after my daughter, they're just sick" well, yes, the pedophile is sick....but you didn't help matters by putting your kid on display to them. That's like slicing yourself open and then jumping into a group of sharks and saying "I have no idea why the sharks attacked" when they come after your ass.

Right, like I said, they think they're Rastas and they're not. They're just filthy, lazy potheads.

O_O oooooooooooooooooooooooook...


vampire_ninja November 21 2007, 15:48:25 UTC
I could argue up and down with you why martial arts really aren't sports... but given how commercial it gets and the competition for trophies and all that other garbage, some sick bastards have turned it into sports. I don't object to people playing them to stay healthy, what gets me is these fucking weekend quarter backs who get a couple of their beer-swilling guy friends together once a year to toss a football around and try to re-enact the plays of their favorite athlete douches. It's stupid. That, and the fuckers who sit around watching football, swilling beer and farting, only getting up to practically hump each other with joy and holler with glee whenever their stupid ass team makes a "touchdown", like it really has any effect. I don't even do that while playing games. I did fall off the sofa giggling when I defeated Zodiark, but that was because it took me three fucking hours. And... actually... beanbag IS a shape... but... yeah.

Like i said, I've already waxed on about this. The boys on myspace are almost as bad: "Lol look at my nips and package" then going around to their other nudist friends drooling over them and posting about wanting to hump each other all over the place. And no, sharks don't care if you're sliced open or not. When you jump into the water with sharks, they tend to separate you from your delicious limbs regardless of smelling blood. It's more like flopping your wedding tackle into a lion's mouth then flicking his love spuds with a wet towel. See encyclopedia dramatica for more on "asking for it".

Actually, I saw some guy with dreads yesterday. These were so far different from the guy I saw on Monday. He didn't really look Jamaican, but his dreads were small and more or less uniform and therefore not really bad looking. The guy on monday had like... one that had to be almost as thick as my wrist and about three foot long, not to mention bleached blonde in some places, then random sizes and shapes of others. Holy shit, that was disgusting. I mean, you don't get hair that bad by just letting it go. There was some concentrated effort to make it look that horrible.


blue_kitty_18 November 21 2007, 21:01:28 UTC
I knew that was coming lol Competitions are not what makes martial arts a sport. Soccer is a sport whether you play on an organized team such as a high school team, or if you're just playing with a group of friends. Martial arts is a sport whether you do competitions or not. Other things that are sports that don't involve a bunch of idiots sitting around a tv drinking beer include figure skating, gymnastics, track and field, and dance. What makes them sports is the hard work, physical endurance, and determination required. Pro athletes, however, annoy me. Most don't pay for the love of the game anymore....they play for that fat ass paycheck they know they're gonna get. If I had the ability to be a pro player, there's no way in hell I'd be commanding 20 million year just to play, oh, 20 games a season or whatever. That just seems ridiculous to me. 20 million is more money than I could ever guiltlessly spend over the span of my entire life, unless I ended up taking care of my whole family with it. LMAO beanbag is the most shapeless shape I have ever seen. Though I can't say it would be any worse than one of our football coaches....he seriously looked like a ginormous pear walking on twigs....it was kinda scary.

Sharks don't readily attack unless they have reason.....if you jump into the middle of a feeding frenzy, then yes, you're right, they would demolish you whether you had been bleeding or not. If they're not hungry, you don't attract them with the scent of blood, and they don't feel threatened by you, you could be around them all day and not get hurt. O_O That's got to be the most interesting way I've ever seen anything like that put....

lol Shitlocks really are the effect of an actual effort to make them look that bad. You get them by washing your hair with regular soap, not combing/brushing your hair after the occasional wash, and twisting clumps between your hands whenever you feel like it. My friend Shelley's sister Sarah and the random idiot she was dating at the time were going for that look a few years ago....she couldn't give me an answer when I asked why she felt so compelled to look that shitty. And people think I'm joking when I say drugs make you do stupid things....


vampire_ninja November 25 2007, 06:12:12 UTC
You know what? Shut up. Missing the point entirely... fired. Completely and utterly fired. Pro athletes can eat shit. Especially the Twins. They make 20 million per game per player, and they whined at our piece of shit governor to make taxpayers shell out $600 million for a fucking stadium with a fucking retractable roof. Fucking worthless fucks. Their owner can go get sodomized with rusty steel wool.

"Why yes I am a beanbag. This part of my selfmess is made of bacon meat." A pear walking on twigs... he might at least want to beef up the twigs. Otherwise... *snapsnapsnap*

Alright then, Professor Science, let's go swim with some sharks for a few hours! Let's stare at them and try to pet them! I think any creature, much less a three ton fish monster, would want to bite after humans have been pestering it for hours.

Yikes. They could just save some time and save all the stuff from their plugged up drains. And who washes their hair with regular soap to begin with? I tried to when we only had some smelly coconut strawberry orgasm crap shampoo, but it really doesn't work.


blue_kitty_18 November 25 2007, 23:25:16 UTC
Apparently I did miss the point...because you didn't state it. All you mentioned was the commercialism and the competition. While the commercialism is fairly new (as in within the last 40 years), the competition is not. So no, I don't think martial arts has just been turned into a sport. Most pro athletes just need to die. End of story.

lol Seriously, you'd think a man with an ass and waist that are roughly 60 inches around (if not more, this is only a guess) would have thicker legs, but apparently not. And being a football coach, you'd think he'd be in slightly better shape than all that. I'm amazed his knees and heart haven't exploded yet.

You said merely jumping into the water with them would get you shredded. You never mentioned poking and prodding. I think that would fall under my statement about feeling threatened. If you leave them alone, they're not going to bother with you. If you annoy the holy hell out of them, they'll probably bite, but not tear you limb from limb. And frankly, I think I would enjoy swimming with the sharks if A) I weren't pregnant and B) I actually knew how to dive since I haven't exactly ever taken SCUBA courses.

James washes his hair with regular soap, but I'm thinking since his hair is only about an inch long (if even), he can get away with it. For those of us that actually have hair, regular soap is a bad idea as it doesn't clean properly and leaves you having to fight with your comb to remove the forming shitlocks. I have this issue if I don't use conditioner.


vampire_ninja November 26 2007, 18:21:13 UTC
Your face is the end of the story. Snap!

My legs aren't twigs, and I think it has served me well... if I didn't have them, my arse would hit the ground. The problem with me and running or sports is my knees. They're fine for walking miles, but then I try to run and they COMPLAIN.

I... er... you... Silence, lest I upset you as an elephant upsets a rubbish truck and make violences upon you! I shall strike the about the head and shoulders with an inflatable dinosaur, as I did to MBweeBwee Limfoma.

Even when my hair is short, regular soap is a last resort. I apparently received defective sweat glands... "It's cold!? MORE OIL! It's hot? POUR OUT TEH OIL!!!" Somedays I'm sure you could use just use my hair to lubricate an industrial printing press... I'm sure you wanted to envision that.


blue_kitty_18 November 21 2007, 02:12:10 UTC
Oh....and those Bonsai sandals....yeah.....Bo wears those. I didn't know they actually had a name. I think in the 9 years that I've known her, there have been maybe a dozen times that I've seen her wear something other than flip flops....and of those dozen times, most of the time it was because she was wearing her Native American regalia and she had to wear her moccasins. Seriously, she wears her flip flops so much that she doesn't own socks.....no wait, I take that back, her husband bought her some toe socks last Christmas in an attempt to get her to wear socks and normal shoes....it didn't work.


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