bad month

Apr 18, 2012 19:29

So I have known for a long time that my local council were idiots, but now I'm the brunt of their idiocy and i'm at the point where i'm even considering moving way out of the area to get away from said idiocy. I rescue animals, I can't help it, it's in my nature and upbringing to care for those who are weaker and needier then myself. It's who I am. My mum and I rescued two puppies off the side of the road and now it's coming back to bite us in the bum. My neighbour is the cause of all of this, they live up the road and walk past everytime and weren't shy about showing their dislike of having someone living in a house that was previousely un-occupied for over 12 months. We live in a rural area in the ONLY HOUSE ON THE STREET that is right next to the road instead of in the middle of the property, as the middle of our property is a creek and valley and floods. My dogs run along the fenceline and bark at people who go past or turn up, it's what they do, they are dogs, dogs do this it is NORMAL. This woman has a dog who is not normal and clearly unsocialised who ignores my dogs completly which of course drives my dogs mad. She never stopped to allow my dogs to meet her dog or anything so the situation escalated. A man I asume to be her husband throws rocks at them and sticks and once I caught him picking up a HUGE branch so I told him to stop and he screamed and hurled abuse at me and tailed it up the road. (coward) This woman stands IN FRONT OF MY GATE for no reason at all to agravate the dogs, encourages their kids to pick up objects on the way to throw at the dogs and it just makes me fucking angry. But I didn't complain, I just stood and glared as they went past to make sure they didn't hurt my dogs. They aren't agressive dogs i've had friends with little kids around them, tiny babies, toddlers anyone they are perfectly fine. Anyway my dogs got out last week and she was kicking and screaming and reefing her own dog around, my dogs were barking and trying to sniff her dog I was horrified and upset at her STUPID reaction only 3 of my dogs the two pups we rescued (and are trying to re-home one of them) and my tiny Jackrussel/foxie. I could have got them easilly if she'd have stood still but she was kicked and I nearly got kicked in the head once and my puppy DID get kicked in the head. She continued to scream at me as she walked slowly down the road facing me the better to yell. I said nothing the entire time not trusting my selfcontrol. She called the ranger and told her she'd been savagedly attacked and the ranger came out to see my TINY DOGS and only filed a 'nuisence dog complaint'. The cops came out later because she'd told them she'd been attacked by a heap of viciouse dogs. I introduced them to my TINY very non-agressive dogs and they said it was ridiculous and to ignore her and try to keeps the dogs in. Which of course i've been doing since I moved in here I don't watn my dogs near those nut jobs. The main issue is that they walk by seperatly at all hours of the day and sometimes even night and I have NO CLUE when they're going to come. If I did I could have trained the dogs out of it years ago. But that's not the main problem, it's the fact that although NO ONE I KNOW KNEW THIS aparently you're only allowed to have 3 dogs on a property. No matter if it's 3 acres of 600 acres only 3 which is stupid. There are exceptiosn for working dogs and breeding dogs and of course because I don't contribut to the backyard breeding of unwanted dogs by getting mine desexed I can't say they're breeding dogs and I didn't think of or know at the time to say any of them were working dogs. The council has given me a letter telling me to 'decrease the number of dogs' within 30 days which is impossible, I've been trying to re-home ralph for 3 MONTHS. So naturally this is a nightmare and I'm ready to go into the council and break down in tears or something but I'm certainly not ready to shove the dogs in the pound or anything. The vets and everyone I know are on my side and it's not like this law was clearly stated or written anywhere I could find easilly. Actually I COULDN'T find it someone found the tiny paragragh in a pdf document for me which means were I to not own the internet I wouldn't have ever seen it. So many people I know have at LEAST 4 dogs on their properties and they've never been targeted but because this stupid women filed a LIE about my dogs I got spotted and I didn't hide it because I didn't know i'd done anything wrong. I explained all of this to the ranger who was highly sympathetic and said she 'just had to say it' but then sent hte letter anyway. Now i've got a huge battle on my hands and no car becasue my car died and the fucking mechanic hasn't come out to fix it and my horses are BOTH sore and need someone to come out and do work on them and ally needs to go into the vets for x-rays but i can't do that without my fucking car and i'm living in fear of these fucking neighborus screaming at me and I can't fucking deal with it. To top all that off I'm way behind in my course and can't afford to get an assessor to come out and assess me right now because i'm shit poor and need to save money to get my car fixed which i still don't know exactly what's wrong with it because the mechanic hasn't had a proper look. I could hit someone. Namely the people who walk past everyday. There's only so polite I can be before I snap and i'm getting there really fucking quick. Not that I would that'd land me on the wrong side of this and I'm the fucking victim not them and I won't let them gode me into reacting. I'll just write anygry posts instead because that's soooo much more productive *rolls eyes*. My friend keeps telling me it'll work out and to some degree it's nice to hear but they aren't IN this situation and it's impossible to explain how trapped and terrified and hopeless I feel right now. The STUPIDEST part is if I lived in Sydney, right in the City I could have as many dogs as I want because their council doesn't have a restriction on it. Yet on 24 acres on a rural property i'm not allowed. STUPID.
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