Aug 11, 2011 18:24
weellll it's been a while, poor live journal seems rather neglected. Kate mentioned it the other night and I though about how long it's been since i've been here, though about not bothering to come back, then thought of all the fond memories i have of it and decided to post instead. (yeah so I have fond memories of a website...that's perfectly normal right?)
I passed my first music exam recently, I got a credit which to me (in tafe terms) doesn't seem to great but the score you have to get to get a credit means it's a Distinction (in tafe terms) so it's not tooo bad. Anne was really excited, i'm never happy with anything I do so I wasn't expecting to be pleased either way but it's good that I didn't fail. The grade three book is proving to be a challenge though i'm worried I won't be good enough to do the exam next year.
I had a different teacher today because the other one couldn't be there, it was kinda nice to hear from someone else that my playing isn't too bad. He sounded a bit suprised that i'm doing grade one practical but I still stand by my fear of failing and wanting to do something (i just wrote "someone" there and then realised and had to change it lol) really easy for my first practical exam. So yes, not doing too badly there.
I spoke to a certain someone online last night that i've been wanting to speak to for a loonnngggg time but now i'm freaking out about it more and AGHR I don't do the "crush" thing very well it's annoying and I dislike it immensely and I wish it would GO AWAY. Ahem.
I have two horse riding students now, little Katie is doing extremely well and I finally got her to let go of the saddle while trotting last week which was excelent :D. Kasey is having her second lesson on Saturday which will be on the lunge lead because I can't walk along with her (i do this for anyone including people who CAN ride, when they first ride my horses for many reasons) because I've injured my back. She's a quick learner and seems good with animals so she'll be fine and easy to teach I think. Her mum keeps asking if she can pay me though which is annoying lol I keep having to explain the whole insurence thing to her over and over and how I don't want to teach and get paid until I am qualified and insurred so for now it's a "favour" anyway having students now is helpful for me, helps me learn to teach better and gets my confidence up. teaching people to ride is TERRIFYING because if someone goes wrong they could get seriously hurt so it's a bit differnet from say teaching someone to read or play an instrument. I have to sit back and trust in my ability to judge what they can do and trust my horse immensely to behave for them while all the while looking relaxed and confident so as not to worry the child. It's challenging but it's really fun.
kate is giving me riding lessons for myself now too which thanks to forementioned back injury didn't happen this week lol but the first lesson on murphy was great and she helped me with Ally the week after that (cause murph had a huge slice in his tounge silly boy). Ally is doing wonderfully even though I haven't been able to do much with her lately she trotted along nicely once and...well didn't the next time but we'll call that a fluke and pretend it didn't happen lol she did settle quite fast and she's learning so she's bound to make mistakes :D she's such a faster learner that she's really easy to train and she's very willing to do the right thing she just needs to learn what that is. Whereas murphy when he mucks up....he's not always confused he's just being cheeky even though he's still learning he does know better most of the time. He's not doing too badly atm though he had a major back step the last time i rode him but then i found out it was because of his sore mouth so i haven't ridden since i'm waiting till his mouth is totally healed.
I have to go to the doctor tomorrow to get my back checked so hopefully there's nothing major wrong and it's just bruised. I can't wait till the pain goes, the drive to port and back today was AWFUL.
Also just to make this long post eeevveeennn longer, I brought Patrick wolf's new (not so new anymore but anywho) album a week ago and it's loovveeelllyy. Bit corny but I love it anyway I wish I could play the piano like that.