Feb 18, 2011 23:44
We had friends over for dinner tonight. Weird. People, coming here, for food and talk and stuff. I'm really not as ridiculously isolated and anti-social as I make myself appear to be but it's still quite rare for people to actually say they're coming for dinner and actually turn up. They've invited us to their house for easter, we're going to stay over (cause they live an hour further out of town from here which is...nearly an hour and half from town) I've never actually been to their hosue before but they're lovely and should be fun. Ill get to meet their dog that they keep telling me about and see the hosue they built. Weird that someone would actually want me to stay at their house, overnight and everything.
I've been wanting to do some kind of martial arts for most of my life but having done gymnastics and dance and horseriding I never got around to it. Recently I've become a little more obsessed with the idea and being as my now injured ligaments in both my ankles have confirmed I shall never do gymnastics or dancing again I may as well give martial arts a go. I was talking to Shaz about it tonight because she used to do martial arts in town here and her son Terry (yes weird aye, Shaz has the same name as my mum and I have the same name as her son) does it too he's like..um she said something about him being nearly up to a blackbelt, I asume this is good... lol. Anyway she was so passionate when she talked about it she had me ready to jump in and do it RIGHTNOW so hopefully this place is good and not too terrifying. I'll go and try it in a couple of weeks when I feel a little less scared of re-injuring my ankles and see how I go. I may end up in a heap in the corner crying because of all the people and stuff but we'll see, I managed to do gymnastics somehow so I'm sure I can cope with this it's not like i'm not used to physical activity and i'm fairly fit and strong (could be much much more though) so it won't be comeplete shock to my body just my anxiety. I shall ignore that fact for now, I'm getting good at pretending i'll be fine and confident and then for some reason manage to cope with these things.