Feb 06, 2005 23:37
i know i listen to emo...
but it gives none of you any right to tease me about that, i live my life and i never tease any of my fucking friends about your fuckin music. or your personality...half of the time when you people tell me i'm so fuckin emo, dam right i am? no you're wrong, i'm not emo, i'm not just one thing...i'm alot of things, no in fact, i'm not emo i'm just kathy. get it right, i'm now a group, i'm kathy, i'm me. you people have no idea how many times you made me feel like i'm someone else, like i'm not myself at all, there are times when you people actually make me sucidel beacuse of that shit.
so many times i try not to let it get to me, i've tried my best to stay happy, i don't know how bekka does it, but i sure do know that i can't deal with it everyday. you have no right at all, all you've been doing is mocking me, which isn't me at all. you're tellin me i'm something i'm not which i am not.
me listing to emo doesn't make me emo, YOU PEOPLE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT, I'M NOT EMO, EMO MEANS POEPLE WHO ARE EMOTIONAL, DEPRESS, VERY FUCKING DEPRESS. i am that at times, but i am not completely, you've been puting mein places where i don't belong. i'm not your little toy where you get to tease everyday. i have feelings too, how would you like it if i talk shit to you, and it sounds like i'm talking shit like, you're the fucking emo bitch. i'm not, look at your and your fuckin clothes. i choice not to do that, beacuase i would be no better then you, it'll just make me look even more stupidier then you.
i really think you are pathetic that everyday, no not everyday, mostly everyday. i have you people callin me emo, when you have no one to throw it on. i know you're only jokin but enough is enough. i hear it too much. i really wish you fuckers will stop it. i also wish you people will stop callin me stupid. consinlly. i'm not just a human being, i have some fucking feelings, if i make fun of you, i make sure i didn't hurt you, at times. i'm never sure you know. but i need to really make it clear.
no, i'm not going to start cutting, i'm not going to kill myself. beacuase that's what you guys are going to think, i'm fucking pissed off, i'm not depress, beacause that's the last thing i want to feel. i know this is a fucking long journal entire. but not alot of you guys know that i can be smart if i want to, and i can be stupid if i wish. people need to be stupid sometimes you know. there's no harm. I'm not trying to say, oh yes all my friends are stupid and selfish. no, i'm just asking you guys to stop callin me emo, and nick, if you read this, you're not a loner, you have friends. i'm your friends and many more. there i've said it.
i'm sick of it all, i'm in a group of friends, it's cool, but when they count me out as if i'm someone else or something else, that's plan wrong. if you think i'm such a stranger, well then...i'm sorry i have a personality. beacuase clearly you guys don't get it,
i might not get it at times, and i might mistaken it for soemthing else, so if i did then well alrighty. whatever we're cool...but just know. if you reply without reading all of this, well i'm fucking sorry i fyou misunderstand what i wrong in the begining, you're just lazy to read everything to actually understand the feelings i've been putting out right in front of you right now.
hell, it is long, so what? it's not like i havent' read nay long ass journal you have, or maybe you dont' have one, oh well.
but yeah, just stop it with me being emo, i'm not always emo. get it? got it? GOOD
take a good ass look at this long entry, i'm not as dumb as i was am i? sure i can be, but i sure do know i'm not. don't confused youself with your blindness, i can be weird and crazy but i know what need to do and what i dont' need to do or say. i have a mind you know...i'm not just some class skipper who dont' want to go to school at all. in fact i do want to go to school. you people just won't understand why i dont' sometimes. why? you'll think it's stupid, well i'm not saying all people, keep that in mine. but yeah. i think this is long enough to fucking let you know how pissed off i can be and how fucking annoyed i am with some people putting me in a group i don't belong at times. especially when you actually put it down...jeez. you fucking humans get a fucking chip store into your brain so you can have some fucking feelings!!