We'd love to have a Bonus Zeki Chapter!!

Jun 10, 2013 20:57

We are a group of Vampire Knight’s fans. We read it from the first volume.
We’ve followed the manga for eight years and many times the impatience of knowing the story has made us bought “LaLa” online, from Japan.
We bought the final chapter too, in May.
It was a good end, no doubt about it, well designed, but we can’t deny our disappointment seeing the lack of an essential part: we’re die-hard fans of Yuuki and Zero and we are supposed to be very happy they are the final couple, but instead we are pretty embittered about it.
Our opinion is that too much space was left to Kaname and too few to Zero and Yuuki AS a couple.
After 92 chapters of waiting, what has been shown to us isn’t enough, it doesn’t reward us, not at all, not after eight years of waiting.
It didn’t seem right showing so much of a character and leaving the others two, Zero in particularly, in the shadow, as he was a less important character.
The couple Zero/Yuuki has taken 93 chapters to bloom, those two had to handle difficulties and hard times and when they finally end up together, we fans didn’t even have the chance to see a bit of their live together.
Zeki fandom is big and passionate, fan arts, fanfictions and video tape are proof of it.
We think we deserve our satisfaction, since we are your customers.
We understand perfectly that Kaname is the favorite one in Japan, but in America and in Europe Zero is the favorite one and since even european and american fans buy your manga, we’ve decided to say out loud that we have our rights too.
We don’t ask you to write a new last chapter, of course, but to add an extra chapter of Yuuki and Zero together, during the famous thousands years of love. We don’t think we’re asking too much, even few pages would be enough.
After all, Yuuki and Zero are the FINAL couple, we ask you to let us see a bit of their live together.

If you agree, sign it too!


requests, manga, pictures

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