In Honor of Dr. King Jr.

Jan 17, 2006 04:06

Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, brethren. After a long and much-needed vacation with my family, I return to you in the name of Clapton, Santana and Bo Diddley. I apologize for my long absence.

Back to the matter at hand, today we celebrate a man who was truly a great American, and whose life and work are testament to what is most admirable about America. With his own peaceful but powerful actions to change the way of life for all Americans to the better, I read now from the hymns of one of the pioneering and true Rock and Rollers, Chuck Berry's You and My Country.


I love my country, its aim and intent
I believe in the system as it is in print
but I'm in love with you
and determined to help amend it for you.

It ain't in my heart to beg, rob or steal
although sometimes that's just how I feel
'cause I do want you
to enjoy the few things that you love too.

Working so hard for so little pay
and we just can live from day to day
this can't go on, it takes too long
those days are gone.

I know I'm nobody, I lost out in school
but I feel something wrong unless I'm a fool
I'm going to keep prying, at least I'll be trying
'cause somebody's lying.

This message, made in the true spirit of Dr. King Jr.'s own sermons, remnds us that in those days before, and to a certain degree even today, there is not truly liberty and justice for all, despite what the constitution may say. Berry acknowledges that, as noble an institution as the U.S. government represents, it sometimes fails in its mission to the American people.

Then as now, justified or not, the government is not completely honest with its citizens. The people in this country who work the hardest have the least time and money to enjoy from their labors. In whatever manner you spent this day, take some time now to realize that, as a U.S. citizen, you have every right to be ruled justly by your government. If it can't deliver, elect someone who will. Write your local Congressman. Make a donation. Send an article in to your local newspaper. You are not powerless in the face of injustice. You can make a difference for the better.

Go in peace.
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