Oct 07, 2007 21:31
I know I haven't posted much as of late, but I've been pretty busy with school and Anya. I've been really tired this week, and I woke up yesterday morning so stiff in my upper back and chest that I could hardly move. The glands on the sides of my throat felt really swollen, and I've been having dizzy spells. I feel just as bad, if not worse today...... so I think I might have mono.
I am going to a clinic today, but I really hope its something else. I've got essays and midterms galore over the next week and I really don't need this. Thankfully Anya seems fine, but we spent most of yesterday with me on the couch watching her play or chilling out in my bed. Just picking her up is really painful, but she's been in a pretty good mood through all of this.
...I think I'm going to try and nap now...