[ONESHOT] Good Morning - ReitaxRuki

Dec 08, 2008 15:05

Title: Good Morning
Pairing: ReitaxRuki
Genre: Romance/fluff, slight humor.
Rating: PG
Synopsis: This is Reita, the one who'd win my heart in the simplest of ways and currently and forever holds possession over it.
Chapters: 1/1 - COMPLETE
Word count: 501 words
Disclaimer: Reita and Ruki belong to themselves D8
Author’s Notes:
★ This is what I get for not studying and being stuck in a highly air-conditioned room watching Prince of Egypt.
★ Exams start this Friday but this is too irresistible not to write! XD

I enjoyed writing this so I hope you enjoy it, too~ ^^

It's cold. Really cold. It's fucking cold.

The almost leafless tree beside me indicates that it's near the end of fall. And then it's winter. Snow. Cold. Christmas. Gifts. Ham. Reita.

I smirk at my own thoughts, feeling around the pockets of my jeans for my box of cigs and immediately curse the heavens above as soon as I realize that I had ran out. So much for being early.

My bad mood quickly dissipates as I spot a familiar blond walk up to me.

Heh. He's my blond. And he's late.

"Hey~ What's up?" He stands close to me, offering a dazzling smile. I decide to joke with him and look up at the branches and leaves above us, a single leaf fluttering towards the ground. He snorts and rolls his eyes but grins as he ruffles my hair.

For a moment we stood in silence, watching the clouds cross the path of the barely blazing sun. I suddenly feel my cold hand being taken into his and he comments about it, making me giggle. His hand is soft and so very warm that I clasp my palm firmer against his. I give him a quick glance and smile before turning away. I can tell he's thinking about something.

He suddenly takes my other hand and slowly pulls me toward him, slipping my arms inside his coat and around his waist. I literally melt into him and I rest my head against the crook of his neck as he strokes my hair and cuddles me close.

We stay like this for some time, listening to each other's breathing and hearts that beat almost simultaneously. I give his neck a small kiss before pulling back slightly to smile at him in appreciation. He smiles back and cradles my face in his warm hands, pressing our foreheads together.

"Are you still cold?"

"Iie~" I answer and give him a wider smile, eyes twinkling with admiration and love for the man.

"Good." He smiles back and leans in slowly to capture my lips in his and his in mine. Warmth immediately washes over me as I am instantly brought to heaven. I started to feel light-headed, letting my thoughts run in different directions but heading towards the same destination, nonetheless.

This kiss is special, I tell myself, compared to all the others we've shared. Maybe it's because I could completely feel his warmth in contrast to the cold surroundings. This is Reita; the one who'd win my heart in the simplest of ways and currently and forever holds possession of it.

Reita. My only, special one. My Reita.

He pulls back later on and I can see the love I feel reflected in his expression.

"Ohayou," he says, kissing my nose.

"Good morning," I tell him back in my imperfect English, making him chuckle. I fake pout, unable to suppress a smile any longer. He kisses me quickly, and I, in turn, give him a full grin.

It definitely is a good morning.

Author's Notes: O-Okay, so Ruki's little 'speech' was a bit corny >_________>; I still have to get used to writing those >|

Comments are always loved♥

/public☆entry, #fanfiction, pairing: reitaxruki/rukixreita

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