Title: Urusai yo!
Pairing: SagaXNao
Genre: Fluff♥
Rating: PG
Summary: Nao's being all whiny and Saga's not happy about it.
Chapters: 1/1 - COMPLETE
Word count: 81 words
Disclaimer: *insert standard disclaimer* It pains me to do say this everytime ._.
Author's Notes: It's short... and weird.... But I love it♥!
“Saga~!” Said man groaned at the mention of his name.
“We’re almost there, I promise.”
“But you said that three minutes ago!” The shorter boy pouted as he let the other drag him.
“Yeah, and we will be if you stop making it hard for me and keep quiet.”
“Demo, I’m tired~!”
“Great, I’m hungry too.”
“Mou, Sagachii─” Nao’s whining was cut off as he felt a pair of warm, soft lips on his own.
That shut him up.
Author's Note: And there you have it! As usual, comments are very welcome. Even just a one-worded message will do ^^
Thank you for reading!