(no subject)

Nov 26, 2004 21:34

Lestat's feet are on the eighteenth century clawfoot table. He has leather boots on; he's too proud to let them get dirty so the table is in no real danger, but he still feels rebellious somehow.

After contemplating his boots for a while, he reads aloud from his book. After all, Louis is out and there is no-one to hear the appalling German accent.

Bei aller verschmahten Liebe! Beim hollischen Elemente! Ich wollt', ich wuBte was Argers, daB ich's fluchen konnte!
Ich mocht mich gleich dem Teufel ubergeben, wenn ich nur selbst kein Teufel war!

By all despised love! By Hell itself! I wish I knew something worse to swear by.
I would give myself up to the devil, were I not a devil myself.
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