For A Friend/War Within (poem)

Aug 08, 2007 05:34

She sits here looking so helpless and scared.
Yet she knows she can do so much more.
She tells me she's so sad and depressed.
But she can still fight
Which makes her strong and powerful.
She lost a love to another
And now lost friend to disease.
She says she's weak and has no place to go
And yet here she is beside me
Sleeping in peaceful dreams.
Dispair is what she feels but she knows
Deep within her she will make it
Nothing is too small for her to defeat
She can make it
She will make it
She has made it.
Everything may change
But change is good
It's small things first
And then the big
Take one day at a time
Friday is the hardest
But then Saturday comes and Friday passes
All days pass and every day you survive
Is another day you win the battle
The battle to keep living
The war you keep fighting within
Is a war you can always win.
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