Nov 05, 2008 08:48
so, yeah i voted for hilary in the primaries but after the past several months of staying on top of the campaigns and watching cnn and foxnews nonstop, i could never be more happy with what the outcome was last night. i feel like i can finally feel safe in my country to have kids and start being a real grown up instead of this 'giant kid' that i actually am. i really feel like i'm not going to have to worry about the things that lie in my future or my children's future. after this incredible election, i am proud to be an american which is something i've really never been happy to say before. i can't trust more in the fact that last night, this country that has proved countless times before how ignorant or stupid or scared or unimpressed by the politicians before it was, showed that there is a difference this time. this time our country proved instead that we can stand up, we can be united, we can make things right again, and we can utilize all the things that america is supposed to stand for, rather than the dark discrepancies it's come to be known for. let this show that we are not afraid anymore, that people do care about their families, about their jobs, about their futures, about their brothers and sisters, about their life. last night, we as americans chose to make the right decision and i am so happy to have the privilege of calling BARACK OBAMA our commander-in-chief and president of the united states.