Life's A Roller Coaster... We Might As Well Enjoy The Ride...

Nov 23, 2009 22:06

A lot has changed since June when I saw Tasha and Anthony for what really was an incredible week. I'm not tired and thought it would be a good time to just rant about the past, present, and future. And as a matter of fact, Tasha and Anthony are a good place to start.

I was on vacation with my family in BC in August when I went on Facebook and found out some news that totally shook me: After almost 4 years together, Tasha and Anthony had broken up. They agreed to stay friends and are still very close, but they had just changed so much, and just had to go their separate ways. If you're looking for a more in depth answer, too bad because that's all I'm going to give. It wasn't an easy choice for either of them, and everything they said to me is staying between the three of us. I was in total shock, and then it was just devastation. They were the only thing I ever believed in, the only thing I thought would never fail. I spent $80 to talk to Tasha long distance, knowing there was nothing I could do and that she was beyond a wreck.

I was in awful shape myself. I cried a lot more than I'll admit because I never saw it coming and didn't know what to do. Even Tasha had sensed what was coming, but I hadn't. No one was in more shock than me. I went through a lot of stages - shock, disbelief, anger, disappointment, and severe depression - but I never hated Anthony. I never wanted to. Yes, he all but destroyed my best friend, a girl I love more than anything else in my life and would give my own for, but I couldn't hate him, even if I wanted to.

Why, you ask? Because he is a good person. He never would have done what he did to Tasha unless he had no other way to make them both happy, and I know he didn't come to the decision lightly. I had a long conversation with him when I came back from BC, but only because I wanted to hear his side of it. Everyone of Tasha's family and friends were looking down on him, but I knew I couldn't do that, not with everything he had done for Tasha and I. It would take me a long time to list everything so I won't do it, but let's just say I know him well enough to understand that he never deserved the hatred he got from some people.

At the moment, things are picking up for both of them. Anthony's doing very very well in his CGI class, and Tasha is slowly but surely getting back to being herself. It's been a brutal recovery process for her, but I am so proud of how far she's come and how much stronger she is now. She has never ever ceased to amaze me. She never will.

Graphic design school for me has been going pretty well- busy, but I like it. I'm also working as a photographer for Nouveau Riche International Model and Talent, and I can say with little pride or vanity that I'm getting better. I've gotten to work with dozens of models and gotten great advice from professionals. It's been a really great experience and I'll continue with it until the big news, which is coming up right away...

I'm SUPER EXCITED for this New Years because I'll be going down to Hamilton for 10 days to hang out with Tasha and Anthony. I've always wanted to see Toronto and I miss both of them, so we planned out a pretty epic week. Allow me to give you a slight rundown:

• Meeting Tasha and Anthony's friends and family, New Years party at Nathan Phillips Square, shopping in Toronto, MANY photoshoots, clubbing, late night food runs, baking/cooking, brunch-date with Tasha, and one Lord of the Rings marathon. And that's just what I know so far.

The photoshoots will be wild. Let me give you a sneak peek as to what they are:

• Glamour headshots, pin-up shoe fetish, 1920's starlet, wedding in a playground, snow queens (which might be done with a professional make-up artist and a professional photographer), fun winter friend one, and a vampire warrior one. That's all I'm gonna give right now, but don't be alarmed if you learn that more are on the way ;)

As excited as I am for this vacation, and if you know me personally, you know how excited I really am, I'm also really excited for this: My move out of Edmonton.

Allow me to explain and clarify because I'm getting a little tired of people being so shocked and trying to convince me to stay. I'm leaving. It's as simple as that, and these are just some of the reasons why:

• There are more career opportunities for photographers and graphic designers in Toronto and the surrounding areas.
• I have never liked Edmonton. I have met some incredible people here who I will really miss, but this city seems like a dead-end road to me.
• I don't feel safe. This city has shown me how ugly and dangerous it can be, and I don't want to be around that. If you think Toronto is more dangerous than Edmonton, go and check out StatsCan and get proved wrong.
• I feel trapped- simple as I can put it.
• I'm lonely, and tired of being left behind. I know there are people who love me, and I know how much they do. But in the end, I know they'll always be busy and go on without me. I'm not cynical or bitter about it- I want them to be happy. But there's only so much of that a person can take.
• I miss Tasha, and I want to be her room-mate.
• I want to prove to myself that I can take care of myself.
• I want to find someone to love and spend the rest of my life with.
• I want to feel like I'm starting to live my life.

These are some of the major reasons I'm moving in May after I finish school. I'm a bit nervous- I would be a fool not to be- but I'm excited. I want to do this, and I'm very sorry to anyone I hurt. It wasn't what I wanted, and I hope you forgive me and understand that this is what's best for me. I'll be happy when I move. Very happy. I'll get to know what that thing called freedom really feels like. It won't be easy, but I was never one to take the easy road in life.

So, now you're all up to date on everything major that's happened to me recently. I hope you took something away from it. It's gonna be one wild adventure, and I would want it no other way. Until my next bored moment, later gaters!


life rantings

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