Mar 29, 2005 13:45
Okay, just before you start reading my irrational post, bear in mind that things will probably work out and I realize this. Right now, I am aggravated and am attempting to relieve stree via LJ. So now I update, kay? kay.
So this morning (tuesday), I was supposed to wake up around 9:30. I set my alarm clock for 9:00, though, just for the excuse to snooze for another 30 minutes after waking up. My first class was Women In Mythology...or at least it would have been if my alarm clock had worked. When I woke up of my own accord and not to the horrid pranging of my alarm clock, I began to wonder what was wrong. I checked my clock: the current time was correct, and the alarm was set for 9:00am. Yet...the alarm never went off. I could not believe my eyes. So I woke up at 11:30; two and a half hours more than originally planned. Suffice it to say, the rest of my day up to this point has been consumed with frantic fury and regret. Why was I so worked up over missing just one class? Well, let's just say that this is probably the fourth class I've missed for this professor. Now, my grade in the class is an A, from what I understand, so I was pretty confident up until now. There is a message on our syllabus reading "Ask yourself if you should drop this class. Do you have more than three unexcused absences?" Although it does not specifically say that I will fail, it does imply something of the sort. This angers me, because it would essentially mean that I will have failed a class due to technology choosing not to work. If anyone has an incinerator handy, I think it would make a lovely new home for my deviant alarm clock. I really hate this...I've been irate all morning, and filled with uncertainty. I have already e-mailed my professor, apologizing profusely and begging for a chance to make up for what I have done. Granted, out of the four times I've been absent, only one was me actually just sleeping in and being lazy. In any event, now that I have cooled down a bit, I am left only with a feeling of doubt and fear. I cannot afford to fail a class now. I need to graduate on time. I need to get out of here, and not just for my own sake. All I do now is wait and hope like hell that I can get out of this bind with a B.