Oct 27, 2002 12:09
All I did was ask my mom to call customer service to see what was going on with my cell phone. She said "I'm busy right now!!!" And I go "Well, I don't want you to do it right now. When you're done could you do it?" She was like "do it yourself!" I don't know why, but she's got a bug the size of an emu up her ass. Then she goes "Do I have to do everything for everybody around here?!" Well, it's your own fault that you wait on my granfather hand and foot when he treats you like shit. She brings it all on herself and then gets pissed when no one feels sorry for her anymore. She complains about my grandfather(I don't blame her), she complains about her job...hey! No one told her to work there. She chose that job. If she's so sick of it, why doesn't she quit? Oh oh! I know why! Because she wouldn't have anything to complain about then! We're gonna be moving in about 3 months and she is packing up all of my grandparents stuff in the basement. She's gotta complain about that too. Then she'll sit there and make a big production of how she's "not about to do his shit" anymore. Then 2 seconds later she's back in the basement. I don't know why she does it. Maybe she's trying to redeeme herself and show him all she does. Well, I got news for ya honey, that's never gonna happen so stop trying.
Then when she gets pissed off about something, she takes it out on me. I was supposed to go to my friend's halloween movie night last nite and when I asked for a ride there she said that I couldn't go because I was sick. Bullshit. If she hadn't been pissed off at someone or something she would have given me a ride, no questions asked. To her I say: Take your midol! So I told him I couldn't go and he was like "well, wait till she cools down and ask her about it again tomorrow, then call me" So that's what I did. Only I wasn't feeling so good(I was supposed to go shopping w/my other friend that day, but I didn't go cause I wasn't feeling well)so I basically stayed in bed and slept and watched movies all day. I finally remembered that I was supposed to call him back(it was already around 6) So I jumped online and sure enough, he was on. So then I get bitched out by him for not calling. Grant it, I understand where he's coming from, but jeezus! Excuse me for not being perfect and remembering to call!
I'm sick and tired of having everyone take the problems of their lives out on me. I'm sick of being nothing but a convinience for people. I'm sick of people telling me that I've got it so easy. Well, if you think I've got it so easy, then why don't you come and live in my shoes for a while. When you get sick of being verbally abused and threatened, come talk to me.
People come to me with their problems. I try to make them feel better \nd I get jack shit in return. There are about 2 people that care to listen to my problems. Thanks. You know who you are. My one friend even said that her job was to listen to everyone else's love life problems and to give advice. My other friend has been there for me for 7 years is always there when I need her. I know I'm a pain in the ass sometimes, but that's the way I am. Besides, considering what I have to live with, I think I'm entitled.